It's Book Club Friday and I am linking up with Blonde, Undercover Blonde
( www.blondeundercoverblonde.com ) to share what I have been reading and what is up next!

First up, I have been reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. It is SO good...very similar to Hunger Games but different enough that it is definitely worth reading. Here is a little summary I found on Amazon:
"One choice can transform you. Pass initiation. Do not fail! Thrilling urban dystopian fiction debut from exciting young author. In sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior's world, society is divided into five factions -- Abnegation (the selfless), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent) -- each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue, in the attempt to form a "perfect society." At the age of sixteen, teens must choose the faction to which they will devote their lives. On her Choosing Day, Beatrice renames herself Tris, rejects her family's group, and chooses another faction. After surviving a brutal initiation, Tris finds romance with a super-hot boy, but also discovers unrest and growing conflict in their seemingly "perfect society." To survive and save those they love, they must use their strengths to uncover the truths about their identities, their families, and the order of their society itself."
And here is what I will be reading next...
Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Starting Monday I am taking part of a 30 day yeast-free challege with a large group of bloggers and a few friends at work. Also, starting today I joined a 3 month weight loss competition at work so I have been doing a lot of research of yeast free diets, vegan lifestyles and a few others. I will have a full post on all that Monday! But in the meantime here is a little summary on Skinny Bitch from Amazon:
"Not your typical boring diet book, this is a tart-tongued, no-holds-barred wakeup call to all women who want to be thin. With such blunt advice as, "Soda is liquid Satan" and "You are a total moron if you think the Atkins Diet will make you thin," it's a rallying cry for all savvy women to start eating healthy and looking radiant. Unlike standard diet books, it actually makes the reader laugh out loud with its truthful, smart-mouthed revelations. Behind all the attitude, however, there's solid guidance. Skinny Bitch espouses a healthful lifestyle that promotes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and encourages women to get excited about feeling "clean and pure and energized."
My Mom just finished reading Redeeming Love and said it was one of the best books she has ever read. Even a few of her friends said the same thing, so I figured I would read it! Here is a summary:
"California’s gold country, 1850. A time when men sold their souls for a bag of gold and women sold their bodies for a place to sleep.
Angel expects nothing from men but betrayal. Sold into prostitution as a child, she survives by keeping her hatred alive. And what she hates most are the men who use her, leaving her empty and dead inside.
Then she meets Michael Hosea, a man who seeks his Father’s heart in everything. Michael obeys God’s call to marry Angel and to love her unconditionally. Slowly, day by day, he defies Angel’s every bitter expectation, until despite her resistance, her frozen heart begins to thaw.
But with her unexpected softening comes overwhelming feelings of unworthiness and fear. And so Angel runs. Back to the darkness, away from her husband’s pursuing love, terrified of the truth she no longer can deny: Her final healing must come from the One who loves her even more than Michael does…the One who will never let her go.
A powerful retelling of the story of Gomer and Hosea, Redeeming Love is a life-changing story of God’s unconditional, redemptive, all-consuming love."
Any of you read any of these books? Any other recommendations?
Happy Reading!