Monday, May 7, 2012

One year ago today....

One year ago today...I woke up bright & early, surrounded by my best friends and started to get ready for one of the most important days of my life. I spent my last few hours before I was a married lady with my best friends and family...we ate, drank, relaxed, had hair & makeup done and talked about the past and the future.

One year ago today...I got dressed up in my dream wedding dress, veil, heels and jewelry and walked down the aisle toward my future husband with both of my Dad's by my side.

One year ago today...I became a wife. I married my best friend and soul mate, got a new last name and new family.

One year ago new husband and I had our first dance to Lady Antebellum's "When You Got A Good Thing" and had our last day to Rascal Flatt's "God Bless the Broken Road." We drank champagne, ate cake, danced for hours, took hundreds of pictures and celebrated with our closest family & friends.

 One year ago husband and I drove off in a beautiful 1937 Rolls Royce, ready to start our life together! First stop- MAUI!

One year ago today...was the happiest day of my life. I dreamed about that day ever since I was little and it was everything I ever dreamed it would be and more.

To my husband-
Happy One Year Anniversary!! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by... If this past year is any indication of what our life is going to be like together, well then, I can't wait! Thank you for making me the happiest wife in the world :) I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow! xo


Kristina said...

Happy Anniversary, yesterday was my 1 week anniversary. It was just the most amazing day. Isn't it wonderful!

Amanda said...

Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more!

Lauren said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you have tons of fun celebrating :)

Cameron said...

It seems like just yesterday we ran into each other at Brickhouse Bridal, both newly engaged and ready to plan the weddings of our dreams!! Happy 1 year!!! Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

Happy One Year to my anniversary buddy :)

Sarah said...

So fun!! Happy Anniversary! I hope ya'll do something super fun to celebrate!

Meg O. said...

What beautiful photos! Happy anniversary!

Lia Joy said...

Aww! So sweet! Happy Anniversary to you and Chris! :) Hope you guys have a special day celebrating and remembering the events from a year ago! Love you guys! :)

Myra said...

YAAYY! Happy Anniversary to you & Chris!! Hope you two have a beautiful day celebrating how your lives have changed :)

Megan {Tales of an HBS Wife} said...

congratulations! it looks like you had a gorgeous wedding day!

Christy {SparklesandSpinach} said...

Awww, so so sweet! You're wedding was beautiful!!! I also had both of my Dad's walk me down the aisle. That's such a special thing =) Happy Anniversary & many more!!!!

Anonymous said...

you and your husband are so cute!

Jessica said...

Happy Anniversary! May the Lord bless you with many more fulfilling years together :)