Thursday, March 29, 2012

Back in California!

Just wanted to write up a quick post so you know I am still alive! I was supposed to be in Louisiana for work this week but we had a slight emergency in the state of California so my boss begged me to fly out here instead. I flew out of Dallas on Sunday morning and have spent the week in central California. I can not wait to be home tomorrow. California is awesome and so beautiful but I am feeling extra "home-sick" this week for some reason. As I have said before, when I travel for work I always try to do some sight seeing in the evenings, eat at popular local restaurants and drive aimlessly thru the towns so I can see as much as possible. This week I have had to put in extra long days because of this emergency I am here for but I managed to get out a couple times and drive over to Monterey, Carmel and see Pebble Beach. I am IN LOVE with this part of California! This is my 2nd time here for work and my hubby and I are planning a long weekend trip back here. Here are just a few quick pictures from Pebble Beach I took on my blackberry- (better pictures coming next week when I am back in my office)

So beautiful!!

Hope yall are having a great week!! I will be back with all my missed wedding link up posts and more next week!


Myra said...

Great pictures!! Hurry up and come back!! :)

Anonymous said...


natasha {schue love} said...

Pebble beach is such a gorgeous spot!! Lovely pics!

Jessica said...

That sounds like a pretty awesome work trip!