Friday, November 2, 2012

Boy or Girl?

Hello, Helloooooo!  Happy Friday and Happy November! 
This week has been insane so I could not be happier that it is almost the weekend. 
Let's start with the important things....
We officially know the sex of Baby C!!!!!!  Whohoooo!! If you are wondering how the heck we know the sex at 12 1/2 weeks, please refer back to this post. 
But, I am going to hold out a bit longer and not share the news until Monday.  SORRY!  We are having gender reveal pictures taken this afternoon with our awesome photographer, Kaleigh from Kaleigh Karin Photography, so once we have the pictures back we will make the big announcement.  In the meantime, I am curious what everyone thinks!  Boy or Girl?  Most of our friends and family think girl.  Hubby and I started out thinking boy, then switched to girl.  What do you think??
Just for fun, here are some old wives tales.....
- Is the heartbeat more than 140?  YES (girl)
- Do you sleep on your left side or right side?  LEFT (boy) (I am still able to sleep on my stomach but I make sure I sleep on my side too, just to get ready for when the stomach is not an option.) 
- Do you have morning sickness?  YES (girl)  (not any more though!)
- Is your skin breaking out or clear?  CLEAR (boy)
- Is your skin dry or soft?  DRY (boy)
- Are you having headaches?  YES (boy)
Chinese Calender-  Girl
Make sure to check back on Monday for the big reveal!! :)
And for some other randomness going on....
- Did you watch the CMA's last night?  I only watched about an hour of them but can we talk about Carrie Underwood and how amazing she looks ALL.THE.TIME?!
And Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert are just the cutest couple ever.  I definitely sat there and cried like a baby when they won Song of the Year and gave their speech. 
-  I found out my identity has been stolen this week.  Awesome.  Long story short, it was someone in West Palm Beach, FL where I lived for 6 years and they filed taxes back in May on my behalf and got back a rather large refund.  So, now the IRS is going to be investigating, hopefully find the person that did it and throw them in jail. 
-  It's November and that means it is my favorite month!  It's time for all the holiday fun to start..... Houston's Nutcracker Market, The Woodlands JL Holiday Market, Thanksgiving, a trip to NC for my nephew's 2nd birthday, moving into the 2nd trimester and Christmas decorating and music!  Lots to be thankful for and excited about!
It would be even more perfect if it was not 90 degrees here the past couple of days.  Ugh.


  1. Awwww no fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see what y'all are having! My guess is girl because I have one!

  2. Ohh fun! I love anything gender reveal!!

    I LOVED the CMA's last night! I also love how "real" Blake and Miranda are... I feel like we are friends in real life! I love that about "super stars!"

    Cant wait to hear your exciting news!

  3. No shame in finding out early! My husband has a friend who is a radiologist so she gave us a 12 week ultrasound and you could definitley tell it was a boy! We just had our 20 week US this week and there was no question. It's so fun to find out early- congrats!

  4. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! You know! I still say girl! Just for Chris ;)

    I can't wait to see you on Sunday!

  5. LOVED Carrie last night! I am convinced we would be best friends in real life. She could be part of four no more for sure :). Then it would Five No More!! Lol! But seriously I love Blake and Miranda too. They are such a great couple and so down to earth. I think the CMAs are my all time fave award show. Bummer about your identity theft...that is awful!! Hope they find them! Can't wait to see your gender reveal pics!!

  6. Totally blogged about the CMA's today too!! ANNND posted almost the exact same pics lol Great minds think alike ;)

    P.S. - thanks for joining the scarf swap!

    Lindsey @ CReatively Clasy

  7. I can't wait to hear what you are having!! I'm counting down the days till Thursday!! :)

  8. oh my goodness! can't wait to know! how awesome would it be if we (who share the SAME anniversary) are having the same thing! AHHH! & our old wives tells answers are almost the same! can't wait to hear :)

  9. I loved the CMAs! I thought Brad and Carrie did such a great job hosting, and Carrie does look awesome all the time! What a bummer about your identity being stolen. I hope they find the person that did it and it's not too much of a headache for you!

  10. Just found your super cute blog! I am 5 days from my due date and LOVE finding other preggo blogs! :)

  11. Oh you're such a tease!! Can't wait to find out...I have a hunch!!
