Friday, October 26, 2012

{Friday Thoughts & Funnies}

Hellooooo, Friday and helloooooo FALL!  Welcome to Houston, FINALLY!
I got to wear boots, a long sleeve shirt and a scarf today...happy day. 
Speaking of scarfs....I LOVE my new scarf I got in the LOFT 50% off sale on Wednesday :)
A couple things I am a little sad about... Madonna was in concert this week and I missed it.  And Christian Louboutin was in town last week and I missed it.  I am usually on top of things that are happening around town but I guess my priorities have already started to shift and the fact that I spent the last 4 weeks in bed every waking second that I was not at work has something to do with it ;)  Oh well, maybe next time around...
When we moved back to The Woodlands in February I really hoped we would move into a neighborhood that had couples that were around our age and hoped it would be filled with babies and kids.  Well, my wish came true!!  Back in February we were the 2nd or 3rd family to move into our subdivision and now, 9 months later, it is almost 100% full.  So, this weekend is our first neighborhood block party!  YAY!  We are so excited to finally meet all of the neighbors and I am not going to lie...I am super excited about all the food.  It is kind of a pot luck thing, so everyone is bringing a couple dishes.  I am taking full advantage of having my appetite back these days :) 
The rest of our weekend will be filled with relaxing, watching movies, church on Sunday and maybe a massage for me!  
Oh and a trip to Babies-R-Us!  We made our 1st trip to Baby's 1st here in Houston yesterday just to start looking at nursery furniture and get an idea of what we liked. And oh my...I was in Heaven.  If we had known the sex already, we would have walked out of there broke.  Any of you Houston ladies, ever been to Baby's 1st??  If not... go, immediately.  Especially if you are pregnant or looking for a baby shower gift for someone.  And don't bother looking at their website.  It is pretty boring and disappointing.  Just go straight to the store :)   So, next up is Babies-R-Us... we are just going to look around and see what we like!  
And now I will leave you with a few of my favorite Pinterest funnies from the past week...
Happy Friday, friends!


  1. Yay for a block party! How fun :) Here's to a relaxing weekend! Ohh and I'll be in Houston next weekend!

  2. Loving that scarf and this weather!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

  3. Sounds like SUCH a great weekend planned! Enjoy it :) That scarf is so pretty by the way!

    Oh, and I'm loving all the pins- I think the first one is my favorite ;)

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