Monday, November 5, 2012

It's a.........


My husband and I are SO excited to be having a baby BOY!!!!!  I feel so blessed that God choose us to be this baby's parents...
I am terrible at keeping secrets so I am going to go ahead and announce his name and what we are thinking for his nursery too.......
Connor Christopher will be his name :)
And for his room, we originally planned on Grey, Light Blue and White with some lake and/or ocean accessories.  BUT, as of yesterday we have totally we are thinking of doing a golf theme.  My husband is a BIG golfer and we have always joked that if we have a boy, as soon as he can walk, we will put him in golf lessons.  So, it only seems fitting for him to have a golf themed room. :)   Watch out, Tiger Woods ( err...maybe not the best example...let's use Phil Mickleson instead )  So, far I am thinking navy, green, grey and white but that is about as far as I have gotten. 
Let the shopping and planning begin!!


  1. Oh my goodness!!! I LOVE the pictures!!!!!!!!! I am totally tearing up. I also love his name!! What an amazing time in your life!!!

  2. I love the pictures!! Congrats on the little boy. The golf theme sounds adorable!

  3. Congrats, Leslie! I bet Chris is SOOO glad to have a baby boy. And, I know your nursery will be absolutely beautiful!!

  4. CONGRATS!!!!
    I hear boys are SO FUN!!!

  5. CONGRATS!!!! Little boys are sooooo fun!!! And a golf theme nursery will be too cute!!!!

  6. Oh my goodness!! Congrats to y'all!! Love these pictures too, so cute!!!

  7. Congrats to you and your hubby! Saw your picture on Instagram and was instantly excited for you :) Love the name!

  8. SO EXCITING! Congratulations on your baby boy! Those photos are gorgeous. And I LOVE the name Connor!

  9. I squealed when I saw the pictures on FB and I am doing the same again now. I wasn't joking when I said I'm going to attack hug you when I see you again! You and hubs are going to be AMAZING parents to Mr. Connor! He's a lucky dude already!

  10. congrats!!! everyone who i know is pregnant seems to be having a boy!

  11. yeah!!!! Boys lovelovelove their momma!!!!!! Congrats!!

  12. YAY!!! congrats on your sweet baby boy!

  13. Awww this is so sweet, what a great way to share your news with your readers :) congrats on your little boy & you guys picked a nice classic name :)

  14. YAY!!! I love these photos. Congratulations!!!!

  15. Love it!!! And love his name and the nursery theme idea!!! Golf is just perfect!!!

    That is such exciting news for you both, and such a lovely name too. We also always wanted Christopher as a middle name if we had a boy.

  17. Love the golf theme!! I have seen some really cute vintage looking golf decor! So fun!!

  18. YAY YAY YAY!!!! Sooo glad the news is out :) Can't wait to help spoil baby boy C! :)

  19. YAYYY for sweet baby BOY! So excited!

  20. woohooo love the way you revealed it

  21. Congratulations! :) I am a new follower...and also expecting our first baby (a boy!) in December! :)

    So happy to follow your journey! :)

  22. Such a cute photoshoot! :) I'm a new follower!

    (also - saw you honeymooned in Maui... so did we. LOVED IT THERE!)

  23. CUTE! love this idea! Congrats on your pregnancy...enjoy the early weeks! xo
