Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I am loving that I am getting my hair done today! I have been really bored with my blonde highlights lately so I am thinking about going a little warmer...more brown with some honey or golden tones!

I am loving that this weekend is the first weekend since we got married that we are both in town at the same time and do not really have any big plans. We have some house projects to do, golf for Chris, mani/pedi for me...I can not wait!

I am loving the rain we are getting in Texas this morning!!! It has been months and months since we here in Texas have seen rain so this is a huge deal. I am praying it sticks around for awhile and helps put out all these crazy fires ( and helps our dying plants & flowers in our yard ).

I am loving these fun Summer dresses-

I found these dresses here-
Love this website!

I am loving my hubby ( even though he got me sick ;) ) and my family and friends! And I am loving the time I got to spend with one of my best friends, Jenn from, last night before she moves today ( even though she is only moving 25 minutes away!)

What are you loving today?
Hope everyone has a Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little behind, but I'm loving my baby and swimming and hubby being home and singing tonight and... life is good.
