Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sick, Sick, Sick....

Ugh, I am so sick =( Chris had it the past week and now I have it. I think it is just a cold/sinus infection, but it sucks. I have no energy and can hardly focus on anything I try to do. BUT, my sweet friend, Sarah, at work shared half of her red velvet cupcake and a chocolate dipped chocolate chip cookie with me...and all of a sudden I am feeling a tad bit better! It is amazing chocolate has this affect on me. The Mucinex might have had something to do with that too....

So, I had a goal of running 10 miles this week. Thanks to this head cold that is not going to happen I guess. I know that may not seem like much to most of my running friends out there, but I have not ran in a VERY long time and the last time I did run, I ran/speed walked 13.1 miles without any training and it nearly killed me. So, baby steps here people. I decided that every Sunday I would make a running goal for myself for that week and do my absolute best to stick with it. On Tuesday I ran 3 miles...well, let's say I ran probably a mile and a half then had to walk the rest of it because I thought I was going to pass out from the heat and how out of shape I am right now. I am hoping I feel better in the next day or 2 that way I can do at least 3 more this weekend or more...anything to get my a little closer to that 10 mile goal. If not, Sunday starts a new week and I will set a new goal and start over. My running group that I am part of, Houston Fit, has a new session that starts in the middle of July and I plan on joining again and starting completely over with training. I will be back to training for half-marathons! Whohoo!! Speaking of half-marathons... Today is the LAST day to register for the Chevron Houston Marathon and Aramco Houston Half Marathon Lottery! Sign up before 11:59 PM tonight for a chance at getting chosen in a lottery to run one of these races in January 2012. I signed up for the lottery at the beginning of the month and I really hope I get in. Everyone will know if they did or did not by next Monday. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Happy Running & stay well!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that you were sick--I hope you're feeling much better now! Good luck on the half-marathon lottery! I missed it, but am thinking about doing Run for a Reason for the Ronald McDonald house along with hubby and his running buddy. That is if I can get my training up again. Walking fast and pushing the stroller is getting me back in shape quickly, even though I still feel slow. Although, I was slow before, lol. :)
