Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tasty Tuesday- Breakfast Casserole

I am stealing this idea from several other blogs I read...every Tuesday I am going to try to post a new recipe that I made or love!
So, today I am posting about one of my favorite breakfast dishes- Sausage Breakfast Casserole! YUM! It is so easy to make, lasts for days and is always a big hit with friends and family. I made one on Sunday morning so that Chris & I could have for breakfast all week. I have used my Mom's recipe, Step-Mom's recipe and a couple others, so this is a combination of all of them with a few tweeks that I made :) Enjoy!!

6-8 pieces of bread ( I use wheat )
12-16 ounces of pork sausage or turkey meat ( you can also use bacon! )
2 cups shredded cheese
8 eggs beaten ( sometimes I use 4 egg white and 4 regular eggs )
2 cups milk ( I use skim )
1 tsp. dry mustard
Salt & Pepper

Cook sausage in pan until brown, drain and set aside. Cube the bread and spread throughout the bottom of a 9x13 greased baking dish. Next, layer the sausage and cheese on top of bread. Mix the eggs, milk and dry mustard in bowl, then pour mixture over other ingredients in dish.
Bake at 350 for 40 minutes. Add Salt & Pepper when serving.

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