Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Happenings!

Usually I am not OK with Monday's, but this one is different!
Here's why-
I am only in the office 2 days this week, then my boss and I are heading to Lafayette, LA for 2 days and Friday I am working from home because I have baby's next doctor appointment.   Any week where I am not working in my cube 9 hours a day and driving 2+ hours a day, is a good week!

On a side note....
Happy LATE Veteran's Day!!  Thank you to all who serve our country, past and present....especially all my family and friends who have served! Thank you for the sacrifices you make for our freedom and country! God Bless the USA!

Now for a few other things going on and making me happy....

On Saturday morning I am heading to North Carolina for my nephew's 2nd birthday and to spend the weekend with family.  And I can't wait.  I may be a little partial, but I have the cutest nephew in the entire world. :)

I finished reading 2 new really good but really sad books over the weekend.  That makes almost 60 books for the whole year.  Whohoo!
So, if you need a new book to read, definitely check these out...just have a box or 2 of tissues ready.

I could care less about football most of the time, but holy cow, did you see or hear about the Texas A&M game on Saturday.  I sure did....I had my husband and 5 other guys (all Aggies)  in the living room screaming at the TV for 4 hours.  I have to say it was an awesome game!  AND the Houston Texans won too...I had one happy husband this weekend!

My husband is probably turning in his resignation letter at his company as I type this....  He has accepted a management position at a brand new start up company and they made him a deal that was impossible to pass up.  I am so proud of him and excited for what this new opportunity is going to bring to him and our growing family!!  But I know today is going to be hard for him so I have being praying for him all morning...

And last but not least....we are booking our Baby Moon this week!!!! After much thought and research we have made a decision where we are going to go and I am so, so, so happy!!  It is one of my favorite vacation spots I have ever been to and hubby knows how much I have been dying to go back so we are making it happen!  More details to come. :)

Hope y'all have a great Monday!


  1. YAY for the Aggies! And YAYYYY for Chris's new job! How exciting for him! Do they need anyone for their accounting department? Corby's looking for something new!

  2. Such a happy post!! Congrats to your husband!! & my livingroom probably sounded the same as yours, it was a crazy & exciting game!!

  3. amazing books!!!! glad you liked them!

  4. YAY for a short week! makes Monday so much more manageable, doesn't it? My husband grew up in Texas and is a HUGE Aggie fan...that game was RIDICULOUS! Needless to say, we were going NUTS at our house. :)

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