Monday, November 26, 2012

a whole lot of catching up to do.....

Once again I have gone 2 weeks without blogging...Opps!  Things have been a little crazy around here. 
Here is a little of what has been going on...
1.  Spent a weekend in North Carolina celebrating my nephew's 2nd birthday

2.  Enjoyed a 5 day weekend that consisted of 2 giant Thanksgiving meals, lunch with one of my best friend's and her family, a wedding and celebrating my husband's 31st birthday!  
Now it's back to working a normal schedule for the next month, Christmas shopping and decorating, starting to work on Baby C's nursery and some overall holiday craziness!  
Speaking of Christmas shopping and I the only one who has not even started yet?!?  Eeeek.  I am usually done shopping by now and always get my decorating done immediately after Thanksgiving.... not this year though.  I blame it on being pregnant ;)  
And among other things that I am behind on, I will be back tomorrow with a 16 week bump update and picture!  I had really good intentions of sticking with doing those every week, but did that happen??  Nope! 
Hope you all had a fun Thanksgiving holiday! 
Now let's get ready for Christmas!! :) 

1 comment:

  1. your nephew is adorable! and christmas shopping and decorating, haven't started yet either you aren't alone sister!
