Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday's Letters Link Up!

Link up here!
 Dear Hardy Toll Road-
Thank you for existing.  You make my long commute to and from work bearable.
Dear Radar Detector-
Thank you for saving me from speeding tickets on the Hardy Toll Road every day.  You were worth the money.
Dear Fall-
Please come sooner rather than later.  I am ready for Fall clothes, food, smells and weather! I am pretty much over this heat.
Dear Weight Watchers-
Please forgive me for consuming a little too much Apple Sake last night at dinner and a waffle for breakfast today.  Those "mistakes" should be saved for the weekend but I broke my rules and gave in.  Let's just pretend that those didn't happen :)
Dear Houston Radio Stations-
If I hear "Call Me, Maybe" one more time, I am going to drive my car off a bridge.
Dear Football Season-
Welcome back. But, please don't keep my husband from me every.single.weekend. for the next 6 months.  I would really appreciate it.
Dear Lady Gaga, Flo Rida and Black Eyed Peas-
Thank you for getting me thru my runs in the afternoons.  I would give up around mile 2 if it was not for you. 
Dear Las Vegas-
I can not wait to see you in exactly 2 weeks.  But please be is my first time there. 
Dear Guiliana Rancic-
I have emailed the manager of your restaurant and the bar tender who helped create your signature drink, G Rizzle (yes, I did some major stalking to contact them both), because I am ridiculously desperate for your drink recipe.  It is no where on the internet (believe me, I have looked).  I just need some hints as to what is in it. Please???
Dear Friday-
Thank you for arriving, even though you took your precious time getting here.  Please go by really fast.
HAPPPPPPPPPY FRIDAY, friends!! Have a fabulous weekend!  


  1. Hey Leslie!

    I found your blog from the Friday Letter's link up. You are a really cute blog! I am jealous that you are going to Vegas in two weeks and I agree with you about fall could not come any sooner. I am now your newest follower and I would love for you to check out my blog and follow back! :)

  2. I found your blog from the Friday Letter's link up. You have a really cute blog! I am jealous that you are going to Vegas in two weeks and I agree with you about fall could not come any sooner. I am now your newest follower and I would love for you to check out my blog and follow back! :)

  3. I am with you...I am SO ready for fall! Everything about it...I cannot wait :) I'm sure WW will forgive you for the Apple Sake and the waffle- that's what the flex points are for, right?! :)

    Have a lovely weekend!!

  4. I agree, fall needs to get here soon! And Call Me, Maybe is getting more and more annoying as the days go by. Cute blog design, by the way! I can't wait to see more posts from you!
    New follower!
    Of Thoughts and Things

  5. you have such a cute blog!

    I love your blog name.
    New Follower.
    Look forward to continue reading.


  6. New to your blog! Love this post!

  7. I might have to invest in a speed detector too. I just got a ticket last week not happy :( Guess it was my fault but still I think of what I could spend that money on. Id much rather new clothes and shoes :)

  8. need a radar detector!

    Have a wonderful week! Stop by and say hello! :)
