Thursday, August 16, 2012

4 Books You Need To Read & A Few Things That Are Making Me Happy!

Last night I counted how many books I have read on my Nook in 2012...almost 40!! Whoa! 40 books in 8 months. I am 30 going on 80, I know... 
And now I am going to tell you about 4 books I read in the last 2 weeks that you need to read :)
#1- Slammed by Colleen Hoover
#2- Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover
These 2 books = Amazing.  I haven't been this hooked/obsessed with a series since 50 Shades of Grey.  There is a 3rd book in the works...hopefully it comes out sooner rather than later.  
The love between the characters, the story line, the slam poetry, the heartbreaking situations that happen and how they overcome them....I could go on and on about all the reasons I loved this book.  I laughed and cried in both books and now I want to read them again.  Thank you  Myra and Lia Joy for introducing me to those books :)  Now I don't know what to read next because I am pretty sure nothing will be as good as these books!
#3- Summerland by Elin Hilderbrand
#4- The Castaways by Elin Hilderbrand

I love Elin Hilderbrand and love her books that take place in Nantucket.  And that is exactly what these 2 were.  They are not part of a series; they are both just single books with no sequels but there are a couple characters that are the same in both books.  These were both perfect Summer reads.  There is a mixture of romance and tragedy and scandal in each of these.  The stories twist and turn then all comes together at the end.  I loved these 2 books and they left me wanting to read more of Elin Hilderbrand's books!
Now for a few things that are making my very happy this week......
My 3 best friends and I are planning a girl's trip to NYC in April! The 4 of us have been best friends for around 15 years and never taken a girls only, adult trip together so we figured it was about time.  NYC is probably my favorite city in the US and I have been telling my husband for a few months how much I have been craving a trip back there, so now he won't have to listen to me beg anymore ;)  I am so excited!!
Holly, Me, Sarah and Jen
Trader Joe's.  It is turning into another Target for me....I go in there for just one or two things but leave with 5 bags full of random things.  Everything is better at TJ...the fruit, the meats, the produce.  Lately I have been making about 2 trips a week there. I have a whole post dedicated to my favorite TJ finds next week. I don't know how I ever lived without it.....

Finally, running. I have been off and on been trying to get back into some sort of training schedule the last few months but I always fall off the wagon after a week or 2 and have trouble getting into a routine.  I am happy to say that those days are gone and I am finally back into it.  Thanks to my lack of training the past 6 months I am back to square one and trying to build the miles again.  Since Saturday I have ran 11 miles and I feel better each time I run...minus the insane heat.  YAY! So happy to be back!

Happy Thursday!!



  1. Oooh definitely going to write all of these down! Thanks for the tips!

  2. No more book recommendations! My bookshelf is already overflowing (literally) with books to be read. LOL I have seen the "Slammed" book going around on Instagram & blog world lately. I will need to check that one out. And 40 books this year?? That's amazing! I think I've only read about 15 or so.

  3. I'm gonna have to add those books to my reading list! I'm always looking for new ones :) I'm also super jealous you're close to TJ's...I think I may have to make a road trip up there for some goodies. Love that place!

  4. need some new books, thanks for the recs! have a great time on your trip!

  5. Eeeep! So glad you loved the books! I need to read Elin - haven't started on any of her books yet!

    Yes yes to running a race together! But, can I wear a tutu??

    I have the insanity workouts that I can give to you if you want to try them out!! Just let me know :)

  6. I am sooooo glad you liked Slammed and Point of Retreat! I haven't read anything since because (just as I felt after I read 50 Shades) I know nothing will compare! BUT I didn't know they were coming out with a 3rd book! That's the best news I've heard all day :) Woo hoo!!!

    Have you read Love Unscripted by Tina Reber? I loved this book and there is a 2nd book in the works!

  7. I also really enjoyed Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire. :)

  8. Trader Joes is the ABSOLUTE best. LOVE it :)

  9. Have you read Bared to You by Sylvia Day? Book #2 comes out in October and #3 in December.

  10. thanks for the book recommendations!!

  11. I've been looking for some new books to read so thank you!!
