Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope yall had a great weekend! :)
Ours was spent once again in town and with no big plans...that would make 4 weekends in a row that we have been in town and not had much going on (that is probably a record for us).

Friday night we were craving Italian food and had a gift card to Carabba's so we had an early dinner there then went home to watch a movie. We had rented "Arthur" with Russell Brand...HILARIOUS!!! I used to despise him and I still do not really care for him too much in general but he is really funny in his movies. Saturday we had breakfast at Lola in the Heights then spent a few hours looking for a bike for me! I have been wanting one for awhile but just kept putting it off but we finally found one! It was pretty cheap and is just a very basic mountain bike but it is exactly what I wanted. My hubby has a bike and always wants to ride together so now we finally can :) We figure if I start riding a lot then we can go and get me a nicer one down the road. Anyways, Saturday night we went to a dinner party/couple's baby shower for one of my best friends & her husband. Their little girl, Ella Victoria, is due at the beginning of October. I am going to post pictures of that this week but our Internet was down yesterday so I did not get to upload them.
We spent Sunday running a few errands, taking a bike ride through Memorial Park, grilling hamburgers and we watched "Tron."

Let me just tell you...I AM SORE from that bike ride. My "sit bones" (that term was used a lot during my many years of dance and when I got my Pilates certification) hurt SO SO bad. Bike seats are NOT comfortable...even a custom one like I got. I have not been on a bike in probably 12-15 years and while actually riding a bike is easy, it is still painful! 1 mile into our ride I was already complaining about my thighs hurting and my wrists hurting! HA! It was really sad. I guess it is like any type of physical activity...if you take a super long break from it, it will be hard and painful the first few times back to it.

Also- If it seems like we have been watching A LOT of movies lately- we have. Our cable has been acting crazy the past 2 weeks and it is too frustrating watching normal shows so we have had to rent movies so we have something to watch until the Comcast people come fix the issue, which will be this week thank goodness.

This week is going to be crazy busy...between Chris & I, we have something going on every single night this week. I will barely see him until Saturday afternoon :(
And today is officially the start of football season, which means many weekends and nights spent at Reliant Stadium and Kyle Field. The first pre-season Texans game is tonight against the Jets. Whohooo- Go Texans!

Hope you all have a great Monday!!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! I love to cycle (especially sprints) but it hurts my butt sooo bad. I alternate between standing and sitting to help... but the only time I ever cycle is in the gym lol

  2. This is so funny! Michael and I also went for a bike ride this weekend and my booty still hurts! I wrecked my mountain bike and in the process have bruises and scrapes to show for it! Sounds like you had a better time :)
