Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Product Review- Suave Dry Shampoo

Every once in awhile I oversleep or wake up and just don't feel like completely re-doing my hair for the day. I usually just throw it in a low pony tail on those days and it looks fine. Well, recently I started seeing this product on the shelves and even read a really good review on it so I decided to buy it and try it out.

Verdict- Not a fan.

I followed the directions...hold can 8-12 inches away from head and lightly spray, let sit for a few minutes then style as normal. I did exactly this. The first thing I noticed is it made my hair look gray. It kind of looked like I spray painted my hair. This freaked me out a little, considering I had to be at work in 20 minutes, so I immediately tried to use a towel and get it off my hair. That sort of worked, but not really. It is now 8 hours later and I still think my hair looks gray at the roots. Anyways- after that disaster I still thought I could just hold it a little farther away and just lightly spray all over instead of just around my part at the roots. I know you are probably thinking I sprayed too much...I swear I didn't. I just very lightly sprayed over my whole head then let it sit for 2-3 minutes. I went to give my hubby a hug bye and he nearly choked on the smell of the spray. He said it smelled like bad hairspray. Awesome. So, my hair is semi gray looking, kind of sticky and it smells funny today. Ugh....

Have any of you tried this product? What did you think?


  1. I have never tried that one. I have tried Pssst and some brand at Ulta (SG maybe?). Pssst turned my roots gray too, but the other worked well. I have heard that Batiste is good.

  2. My old hair dresser swore by Rock Star. I think Redken makes it and you can buy it at ULTA. I never tried it, I ended up with one by Crazy Sexy Hair and I liked it. I haven't tried this one though. I keep meaning to go buy the Rock Star and try it!

  3. hahaha! Oh no! That's definitely something that would happen to me. I haven't tried any of the dry shampoos yet.

  4. i love that stuff.

    my hair is pretty light with highlights, so i haven't really noticed the gray...but i can see where it might if you have darker hair, it's pretty powdery.

    bummer that you didn't love it, though :(

  5. I'm sad that you didn't like it! I agree with Brynn though, I can see how if you have dark hair, it might show up on your roots. My hair is lighter, so I've never had a problem.

  6. I use Tresemme Fresh Start dry shampoo and love it! It does turn my hair/white grey when first sprayed then I let it sit then brush over and then it kind of just melts into my hair. I love the smell of the Tresemme brand too! I hope this helps :)

  7. OMG I am so with you. I am very disappointed in Dry Shampoo. I used Tresemme and it didn't turn my hair colors but my roots were still oily, it didn't look any better - I'm definitely not a fan.
