Monday, July 25, 2011


It has been a crazy couple of weeks! After our trip to North Carolina, I was home for 5 days then headed to Seattle for work. I love Seattle. If you have never been you should go sometime. Just make sure to go during the Summer. This was my 2nd trip there...the first time was during Hurricane Ike and that was more of a vacation. This trip was for work, but I did manage to have some fun while I was there! Chris's Aunt and Uncle live there in a beautiful house right on the water. I got to have dinner with them at their new house Tuesday night and Wednesday night I got to participate in a sail boat race on the Sound, in front of downtown Seattle. That was such a cool experience. There were over 100 sail boats racing each other with a view of downtown and the Space Needle...and it was SO cold (at least to me it was). So much fun!! I was so glad I got to spend time with Chris's family and be part of that!

I was so ready to come home by the end of the week. I feel like ever since our wedding/honeymoon we have been constantly on the go. We have barely had any time to just be home so thankfully we have quite a few weekends coming up where we get to do just that. Saturday morning I ran with my running group. We only did 2.5 miles but since I am pretty much starting over with my training and it is so miserably hot outside, that was tough. We had brunch at Empire Cafe with our good friends Kim & Chris then I spent the afternoon at Hobby Lobby, Michaels and getting a mani-pedi. Chris golfed and took our neighbor on the boat so I had time to get some house projects done. Sunday we did more house projects...hung some new shelves I bought at Hobby Lobby, updated frames with new wedding pictures and more. Hubby cooked steaks for me last night and they were the best he has ever made. YUM!

And is my birthday week!! Whohoo! I am going to be 29 on Saturday. I did not want to do much for my birthday this year...did not want to go out with a big group, did not really have any special gifts I wanted, etc.. My one request was to be home with no big plans. Exciting huh? For me, YES it is!
My fave brunch spot in Houston is Backstreet Cafe (if you have not been, go!) so Chris is taking me there after my run on Saturday morning. Then we will go to dinner with my parents at Brenner's on the Bayou Saturday night. And that is literally it and I could not be more excited. =)

Happy Monday!! Hope yall have a great week!

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