Monday, July 25, 2011

Honeymoon to Maui- Part 4

Saturday, May 14, 2011- Last day in Maui :(

This was a sad day...time to go home. We spent the entire day by the pool. We made sure we had plenty of time to just lay out and relax and this was definitely one of those days. We took a walk on the beach, ate lunch by the pool and shopped at one of the hotels down the street (The Marriott in Wailea has the BEST gift store).
In the evening we had dinner reservations at Spago, which was at our resort. We had a table with a great view of the ocean, champagne and a delicious "last meal."
After our dinner we headed back to our room to finish packing and then head to the airport. Our limo picked us up around 9 PM and I started kinda feeling sick. I was really tired and little sick to my stomach but hoped it would pass. Nope, it didn't. It just got worse. We boarded the plane around 11 PM and I just knew this was not going to be good. We were in first class and the flight attendants started bringing out food and drinks (before we even took off). As soon as I smelled the food Chris had to have them take both of ours away because he thought I was going to get sick. Sure enough, 30 minutes after taking off Chris had to get the flight attendant's attention because I was getting more and more nauseous. She told me the back of the plane was empty so I could go lay down and be away from the smells and people. I made it all the way to the bag of the plane, laid down and then it started. I threw up off and on for the next 5 hours, until we got to LA. I can officially say...there is no worse place to be sick like that than at 1 AM over the ocean with a really, really long flight ahead of you. UGH. It was awful. The flight attendants were so nice though...they kept checking on me, bringing me new sick bags and ginger ale.
I was so ready to get home now! And we finally made it on Sunday, May 15 around noon. Between the 5 hour time change, not sleeping all night, throwing up for hours, I was pretty darn miserable, but so happy to be home.

Our Honeymoon to Maui was amazing. It is romantic, fun, beautiful and relaxing. We had the best time and made memories we will remember forever. I hope those of you that are going soon or that have ever considered going can use these posts to help plan your trip! And thank you to everyone who has been asking us about out trip over the past couple months...this gave me a chance to re-live the best vacation ever :)

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