Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!!

Hi Everyone! I have wanted to start a blog for almost 2 years now but thanks to a lack of creativity on the design part and a lack of time, it never happened, until now! So, welcome to my blog!! I hope to use this as a way to keep my family and friends all over the world up to date on what is going on in our lives.
Here is a little bit about what you might find in my blog over the coming months and years-

Eat- I love to eat and am working on my love of cooking. My hubby and I love to eat out and try new places and over the past couple of years I developed a bit of passion for writing reviews. I write reviews for all the restaurants we go to, hotels we stay at, doctors I use and much more. I write reviews for YELP and Houston City Search and now I will probably bring them to my blog =)

Pray- I pray every day, many times a day. It helps me get thru any situation I am going thru, good or bad. God is good and I have a lot to be thankful for.

Love- "And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is LOVE." 1 Corinthians 13:13
I have a lot of love in my life but most importantly I love my husband, family & friends. Much more to come on that...

Run- I am what I like to call a "runner in training." A couple years ago I got this random urge to start running so I joined Houston Fit and started running...or, trying to run. 1 1/2 years and 4 half-marathons later I decided to take a hiatus from running. Now I am working my way back in to my running group and my half-marathon training. It does not come easy for me and it is an enormous commitment, but I am ready to get back into it and tell you ALLLLL the good, bad and ugly of my next try at becoming a runner!

So, there is a litte taste of what my blog will probably revolve around!

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Come back soon for more =)

Love, Leslie


  1. Sounds like a good start to a great blog! :0)

  2. So proud of you!! Maybe you will give me motivation now :) Can I just say that I LOVE that you put a picture of the 4 of us on the sidebar!! :) Love you!!

  3. Sounds like fun! I'll be reading. :)
