Thursday, June 16, 2011

In case you didn't know....

I got MARRIED!! Yes, I realize most of you probably do know that already, but I am feeling the need to relive that special time for just a few minutes.

A lot of my friends told me about this phase they went thru after their wedddings & honeymoons were over...a little sad and down and kind of having withdrawls from all the wedding planning and fun times leading up to the big day. There is an actual term for this- "Postnuptial Depression", kind of like Postpartum Depression after you have a baby. Research actully shows that 1 in 10 spouses go thru this phase immediately after they get married! Well, I am definitely NOT depressed or really going thru this phase but in the past couple weeks I have been thinking about our wedding A LOT. We only got married a little over a month ago so this is probably normal. I miss parts of the planning but mainly I miss the excitement I felt the week before, spending time with family & friends all at once, my dress ( I love my dress A LOT...some days I really consider just putting it on and walking around our house ) and I could go on and on.

Anyways, on to our wedding day... Chris and I got married on Saturday, May 7, 2011 in The Woodlands, Texas. Our ceremony took place at the amazing Chapel at Fellowship of The Woodlands called- Chapel in the Woods. And our reception was in the Emerald Ballroom at The Woodlands Resort and Conference Center. The weather was perfect...high 70's and not a cloud in the sky. I was not near as nervous or stressed as I thought I would be...I owe that to my Mom, MOH, bridesmaids, honor attendants and other friends & family that were there :) It was the best day of my life my hubby has made me the happiest girl in the world!

For those of you who were not there or who are not on Facebook, here is a glimpse into the best day of our lives:

Now, I get to help one of my sweet friends, Lauren, celebrate her big day on Saturday in Dallas!! Chris and I are both in the wedding so it will be a lot of fun.
In the meantime, Grotto Happy Hour is calling my name :)


1 comment:

  1. You looked so beautiful and so happy!

    I can relate to the dress thing. Six years later I still wish I could wear it again. :) I did wear the top half (it's 2 pieces) twice, but a million years ago. And I know it doesn't fit anymore!
