Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The end of our breastfeeding journey.....

Well.....we made it!  I made it to my goal of EBF Connor for one year.
I had planned on doing an update at 6 months but never got around to it. 
You can read more about the first 3 months here.
I started weaning him May 1 in hopes of being done by the first week of June and it looks like that is going to happen.  I am only nursing him 1x a day now (at night before bed) and only for about 15 minutes.  Now my ONE year old (whaaaaaa) eats anything and everything and drinks whole milk all day long.
Part of me is sad that it is coming to an end but the other part of me is happy.   I was one of the lucky moms who LOVED breastfeeding. I looked forward to every feeding (especially the one right before bedtime).   Don't get me wrong....the first 6 weeks were awful....lots of tears, lots of pain, mastitis and I had to talk myself out of giving up every single day.  But then, it got better and better and easier and easier.  And now I am so so so thankful I stuck with it. 
The bonding you experience is real and so special and I will forever treasure the hundreds of hours I spent just sitting there nursing my baby.    
I am pretty sure I have lost all the followers I had since I NEVER blog anymore...haha...but if anyone happens to read this that is struggling with BF and has any questions or just needs some encouragement, send me a message!  I would LOVE to help!  It is something that I have become very passionate about and hope that I can help some other mama's out there in their journey.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you posting again! I have a little one that just turned one as well so it's fun to see what other kiddos his age are up to! Have you used any specific tactics for weaning? We've switched to whole milk during the day at daycare but haven't cut our morning and evening nursing sessions yet. I'm a little nervous to even try!
