Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Friday!

1.  This weekend is the first of 3 busy, fun filled weekends for us.  Tomorrow we are heading to College Station, TX for the A&M vs Vanderbilt game.  It will be Connor's very first football game and trip to his daddy's college!  Sunday afternoon we have our Parent/Child Dedication class at church.
Next Friday we are taking Connor on his first overnight trip to Dallas.  We are headed up there Friday morning for one of my husband's fraternity brother's wedding that evening.  It will also be Connor's first time with a babysitter other than my Mom.  Eeeeek!  A friend of mine that lives in Dallas and has a little boy gave me her babysitter's info and highly recommended her so I feel pretty good about that.  And she will be coming to the hotel we are staying at to watch him, and it's less than a mile from where the wedding is so we can be there fast if we need to.
And the 2nd weekend in November is a very special weekend....we are having Connor dedicated at church :)  We have family coming in town from Las Vegas and Georgia so it will be a fun weekend with all of the grandparents.  Friday night is a dinner at church then Sunday morning is the actual dedication.  We are so happy to have all of Connor's grandparents (he has 7!!) here for the whole weekend.  
2.   The 3rd book in my favorite trilogy FINALLY came out....Allegiant. 
If you haven't read this trilogy, you should.  You won't be able to put them down.  I have read the first 2 twice.  The Divergent movie has already started being filmed too! Can't wait until it comes out next year :)
3.  I also started reading another book...Your First Year of Motherhood.  There is a new devotion and short story for each day of your first year as a mom.  I didn't start it until a couple weeks ago when Connor was on his way to being 5 months but I still read thru every day of those first months and am now caught up.  It is very encouraging and uplifting!  I highly recommend it for all you new moms out there.
4.   I am loving these 2 Fall outfits!  I am in need of a little shopping spree since last Fall I was preggo ;)   It finally feels like Fall in Houston (at least in the mornings) so it's time to break out the scarves and boots!

5.  And finally I leave you with a few words of encouragement and love.
Have a great weekend friends! xo



  1. That picture of him in the hat!!?! SO cute Leslie! I love him!I I love that quote. Such a good reminder! Thank you! Happy Friday! xo

  2. Love those fall outfits too! Have fun shopping!

  3. I wish I would have known about that devotion book. So awesome.

  4. You have some fun weekends ahead!!! I would have loved the Daily Guidepost mom devotional! I've never seen that before. Good gift idea! ;) Hope to see you soon! Miss you and C lots! xoxo

  5. i love all of this!! those outfits are fantastic! i def want to read the series, i heard many good things. have a great weekend!!

  6. Have a great weekend. I'm your newest fan, courtesy of Danielle.

  7. i need a devotional like that! struggling to find time daily to have some quiet time and it'd be nice to have a little guidance of what to read!
