Friday, October 18, 2013

5 on Friday!

Hello, hello!!! I can't believe it has almost been a month since I last blogged.  I decided to take a little time away from it but am happy to be back!  Connor was going thru a rough patch with not napping, waking up 3x a night and being more fussy than normal so that didn't leave me much free time.  Now that things have gotten much better I hope to get back to it. 
So, I am back for 5 on Friday!!
1.  We took Connor to a local pumpkin patch last weekend and had so much fun!  We took pictures with the pumpkins, fed and played with animals at the petting zoo and played on the swings.  Things like this make having a baby so much fun!  Seeing him smile and reach out to pet the animals and watching him squeal and laugh while swinging made my heart so happy!

2.  I know I am a few weeks late but I am SO SO happy all my Fall shows are back.  Fall TV is the best.....Revenge, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, The Voice, DWTS......
My DVR is full and happy!

3.  2 friends I met thru IG and I hosted a Fall themed gift exchange a couple weeks ago and it was such a success and so fun!  We posted about it on IG mid-September and gave moms a couple weeks to sign up, then drew names and matched up each mom with another mom, then everyone sent gifts to their partner and their babies.  We had about 40 moms from all over the US sign up and since then we have had another 40+ ask us to do it again so they can sign up too!  So, we will definitely be doing another one around Christmas time. 
(sorry for the bad pics....I had to use screen shots from IG)
 Make sure you follow us on IG so you can join in!
@lesliebcoxon    @lauraflusche     @laurengiles
Here are a couple examples of gifts that were sent....

4.  I started Baby Boot Camp last week! It used to be called Stroller Strides but the name has changed.  A lot of cities have one so you can look it up to see if there is one close to you.
But basically it is a boot camp style workout for moms where you can bring your babies/kids in their stroller and work out with them!  And let me tell is HARD.  They definitely don't take it easy on you because you just had a baby.  On top of that 2-3x a week I have started running again (it's more walking right now though! ;)  )  So, my whole body hurts every day since it has been over a year since I have ran/worked out.  I am loving it so far though.  It's a great way to meet other local moms, get in shape and get out of the house with your kids!
5.  I tried a new recipe I found on Pinterest last week and it was amazefest USA (as Guiliana Rancic would say).  :)    It was super easy and so yummy.  Definitely one of my fave Pinterest finds so if you are looking for a new recipe to try, give this one a shot....
Find the recipe here.
Linking up with April and a few other ladies for 5 on Friday!


  1. 1. I don't think Connor could be any cuter!!! I love his pumpkin patch pictures!!

    2. Way to go on joining Baby Boot Camp!!! I never joined anything like that (I prolly couldn't have kept up), but have heard such good things about it!

    3. I've made that Pinterest recipe before! Yummy!

    Have a great weekend!!! We HAVE to get together when we get back! Love you!!

  2. Those pumpkin patch pics are so cute!!! Hope y'all have a great weekend!!!

  3. OMG Revenge is sooo intense this season!!!

  4. Connor is just too cute!!!

    Way to go on boot camp and running, it is so hard to get back to a routine after a long hiatus like that!!! Bummed that I missed the mommy exchange but would definitely be up for the xmas one!

  5. Welcome back!! I have been wanting to try that recipe...glad to hear it was yummy!

  6. Your pumpkin patch pics are soo cute! Connor is so adorable!
    I'm so happy fall tv is back- I'm loving it. I've been using naptime to catch up on my DVR. That recipe sounds delicious I'm going to have to try it

  7. so glad you are back! Connor is one adorable little lovey!

  8. Oh my goodness, him in the pumpkin patch! I'm dying. What a cutie!!
