Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Baby Talk Tuesday- Connor- 3 Months

Weight/Height- On 8/1 at his 2 month (and 2 weeks) checkup he weighed 14.4 lbs (81%) and was 24 1/4 in (86%). Big boy!! He has the cutest round belly and chunky thighs and arms :)      
Sleep-  Sleeps from 8:30 PM - 6:30 AM consistently every night pretty much....only waking up once, around 4 AM.  About a week ago he slept thru the night twice without waking up at all but it hasn't happened again since then.  Usually takes 2 long naps during the day and a couple short naps after nursing.  
Feedings-   100% breast milk for the past 13 weeks & 1 day! Proud Mama!  I am working on a post all about our BF journey so far and hope to share it this week!   I am still pumping 1x a day but am going to try to start pumping 2x a day just to stock up.  He has started boycotting bottles though.  My Mom can get him to take one sometimes and my husband can too but it is usually a fight.   
Clothing/Diapers-  Clothing- 3-6 months.  Diapers - size 2 
Favorite Equipment-  Swing, Baby Einstein Play Mat, Boppy Lounger and the latest...his stroller!!  Connor loves play time on his B.E. play mat...he loves swatting at the hanging toys, talking to them and staring at himself in the mirror.  This is definitely one of our favorites!  He still naps really well in his swing and loves laying on the boppy lounger to watch cartoons and football ;)  Just recently he has started enjoying walks in his stroller much better than before.  I have started putting him in the Chico Stroller without the car seat ( I know he is probably too young for this according to the Internet but he is holding his head up on his own and sitting up really well already...plus he is chunky and secure so he doesn't flop around in there)  I strap him in really well and raise the back part up so he can see out and isn't laying flat on his back and he LOVES it.  He loves to be able to look around so this is perfect for walks!  We have been trying the Bumbo some and so far he isn't too sure about it.  He is a little wobbly and looks like he might cry when we put him in it...so that is a work in progress!  
Big Moments/Favorite Things: 
- Started the process of transitioning to the crib.  We have been trying for a little over 3 weeks and so far it is not going that well but we are continuing to work on it.  I hoped to have him in his nursery at nights around 3 months so hopefully we will get there soon.
- Went to church for the first time!  We put him in the nursery so we could enjoy the church service together.  The first Sunday he did well (but would not take a bottle).  The 2nd Sunday the nursery staff had to page me in the middle of the service because he was crying so much and would not take a bottle.  And yesterday (our 3rd time) he did much better, but still not taking a bottle. 
- Went swimming for the first time and he loved it!! He loves anything outside and loves the bath, so the warm air and warm water made him really happy!
- He loves to practice sitting up with a little help from us (holds our fingers and pulls himself up)
- He laughed for the first time this past Saturday night.  Daddy was playing with him and doing a really goofy, loud laugh and Connor just loved it!!  And of course hearing my baby laugh for the first time made me all emotional ;)
- Still hates his car seat.  I pretty much hate going anywhere these days because the car rides are so traumatic for him (and mommy!). 

           Linking up with Kristin at Busy Bee for Baby Talk Tuesdays!!


  1. Such a handsome little man! Cash was about the same age when he went in the pool for the first time & he's a fishy! :)

  2. He is so adorable!! Way to go Mama with breastfeeding. Found you on the baby talk Link up!

  3. he got some chunk from 9-10 weeks!

  4. love reading his updates! he seems like such a happy little guy! i can't wait till liam starts laughing...i know i'll be an emotional mess too!

  5. He is so adorable. I can't get enough of that pool picture. His expressions are fantastic!

  6. Ahhh he's just the cutest! I love all his little rolls!

  7. OOhhh he is sooo cute!!! I love the picture of him propped up on his boppy pillow...I do that with Mya all the time. I haven't tried getting her in the Bumbo seat yet..maybe I should. I keep telling myself that I will go to Church and take Mya with me...but then I chicken out...I really need to go to church though...:-)
