Connor- 2 months
Hi friends!! Remember me?! I used to blog all the time but now that I am a new mommy I just can't seem to find the time. When Connor naps I always find other projects and things around the house to do. I do miss it though and I miss reading all your blogs so I really need to make this a priority again. :)
Anyways....time is flying. My baby boy is now 2 months and 5 days. How did that happen so fast?!?!! Here is what he has been up to for the past 4 weeks....
Weight/Height- On 7/10 I took Connor to the hospital's lactation department and did a "feed and weigh." I weighed him before I BF him and he was 12.13 lbs. After I fed him for 20 minutes he weighed 13 lbs. That was over 2 weeks ago so I am guessing he is about 14 lbs now. He is getting the cutest, big belly and chubby little thighs :) Not sure on the height. We have his 2 month appt. next week so I will find out for sure!
Sleep- Still waking up 2x each night. We have started giving him a bath at 8:00, then I feed him and he is usually asleep in his rock-n-play by 9:00 at the latest. He usually sleeps until 1:30ish (although a few times he has slept until almost 3) then goes back to sleep until 4:30ish. Then we get up for the day about 6:30. He will go back to sleep around 8 for his long morning nap. Then will take a couple more shorter naps in the afternoon. I put him in his crib for a nap for the first time on Monday and he lasted about 45 minutes...instead of his normal 2-3 hour morning nap. I have put him in there a couple other times but he does not stay asleep. So, I am going to keep trying and hope he gets used to it! I planned on trying to put him in his crib at nights around 3 months but we'll see....
Feedings- 100% breast milk for the past 9 1/2 weeks! Whohoo!! So glad I didn't give up back at 3 weeks. Breastfeeding is going so great! I am EBF but pumping once a day and freezing it so that I will have a good supply built up. His reflux is so much better and we have even stopped giving him his medicine. He still spits up a lot and is pretty gasy but so much better than the first few weeks.
Clothing/Diapers- I told my husband just this morning that we are going to have to switch to size 2 diapers any day now. Size 1 is just about too small. He is wearing 3 month clothing now. And even some 3 month onesies are a little tight on that big tummy ;)
Favorite Equipment- The swing is still his favorite. That is where he takes naps during the day or I will put him in there when he is awake and I need to do a few things. He loves looking at the sheep hanging from the top and loves to "talk" to them. We still love the boppy lounger, although he is getting to be a little too big for it and we love the rock-n-play sleeper at night. In the past month he has grown to love his Baby Einstein Play Mat. He used to hate it and wouldn't last more than a couple minutes. Now he will stay down there for 30-45 min at a time (if he is in a good mood).
Big Moments/Favorite Things:
- Connor discovered his hands and tongue around week 7. He constantly is putting his fists in his mouth and he always sticks out his tongue.
- He has also discovered the TV and loves to stare at it
- He is holding his head up really well and loves to practice sitting up by holding our fingers and having us help pull him up to a sitting position.
- Loves anything high....high ceilings, lights, trees, etc...
- LOVES bath time but hates getting out. He screams bloody murder when we take him out of the bath. We try to get him warm fast but it doesn't always work!
Have a great weekend!
such a cutie pie! so happy BF is going well for y'all!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie!! How did two months already go by?!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie!! Love his round tummy!
ReplyDeleteLOVED, LOVED, LOVED reading about your sweet little man! I miss seeing you around the blog world, but, I completely understand! Glad you are just enjoying life! I so love staying in 'touch' with you via Instagram. Even though I don't actually know you...I feel like I do, though and I adore your sweetheart baby boy! Seriously, I look forward to you IG pictures :) So cute that he loves baths, too! Who doesn't?! So sweet!
ReplyDeleteits too funny how much connor and henry are so much alike! right now henry is sitting in his bouncer watching a childrens show (lots of colors and shapes). he is OBSESSED with the tv. ugh.
ReplyDeletei wish i had been able to EBF that long. ive tried many things (non medicinal) to get my supply up but henry is almost up to 5-6oz per feeding and i just cant keep up. i am feeding him (both sides) and then giving him 3oz of formula. that seems to be good. oh well, not the end of the world i guess. i just dont want to stop feeding altogether because i LOVE the connection.
sticking the tongue out is so freaking cute, i love it. and i swear we have ghosts on the ceilings in our house! love seeing the pics of your little man, watching them grow :)
Augh I'm so guilty of being a bad blogger. It's so hard to justify sitting down and writing when there are 8 million other things that need to be done. I wish I could type better one handed while BFing...but I'm not that talented ha. I love how similar our boys are--Elliott is a big fan of the TV...finding his hands. Elliott also loves bath time :D
ReplyDeleteGah he is so precious!!! Happy 2 months, mister Conner!!!
ReplyDeleteHe is just so dang cute!!
ReplyDeleteAw! He is growing up handsomly! Quite frankly, I don't know how mommies can keep up with blogging in the first place!! How do you find time!
ReplyDeleteHandsome boy...good to hear breastfeeding is going great!! As soon as I put Mya to sleep in her crib...she slept through the whole night..we started at 8 weeks.