Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bump Update- 27 Weeks!

(Pic taken on 2/12/13 @ 27 weeks)
How far along?  27 weeks and 2 days.  89 days to go!! Can't believe I am officially in the 3rd trimester....the 2nd flew by just like everyone said!
How big is baby?  He is about the size of a head of cauliflower (16 in, 2.5 lbs) 
Total weight gain/loss?  Not exactly sure but I am almost positive I have gained a couple lbs in the past 2 weeks, so probably 8-9 total 
Maternity Clothes?  Oh yes...that is all I can wear!
Stretch Marks?  Yes...on my sides and boobs.  Boo.
Sleep?  If I take Tylenol PM (yes, it is totally safe) I sleep great...if not, I sleep a few hours and that is about it.  My hips bother me a lot at night these days.
Miss anything? Sleeping thru the night, walking normal
Movement?  All day! The kicks and jabs are getting harder every day.  He has finally found my ribs too...ouch!   
Food Cravings?  Still craving Spaghetti and most pastas.  That has been the one thing I have craved my entire pregnancy. 
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Red meat 
Have you started to show yet?  Oh yeah...big time.    
Gender?  Baby Boy!  Connor Christopher :) 
Labor Signs?  Still having Braxton Hicks but they are not as painful as they were a couple weeks ago  
Belly Button in or out?  In, but it is getting shallow
Mood?  Happy and sleepy! Starting to feel a little overwelmed by how much I need to do in the next couple of months.  I know I have plenty of time to do it but when I think about it all I have a mini panic attack. Haha! 
Symptoms?  Starting to feel really tired again but my tailbone/pelvic pain has gotten a little better! I think he has finally moved up a little bit and taken some of the pressure off that area so that helps a lot.  I haven't had to go to the chiropractor in almost 2 weeks.  Heartburn is still an issue but I take my prescription every morning then take a Zantac in the afternoons and that helps a lot.    
Best moment of the week?  My first baby shower!! It was SO fun and we got so many great gifts for Connor :)  I am going to post a bunch of pics and do a full recap soon! We have the best friends and family... We are very, very blessed :)     
Looking forward to?  A good friend's wedding shower this weekend and another friend's baby shower.  Then our baby moon to Mexico next weekend!!   


  1. You look amazing - wow!!

    And you've only gained 8-9 lbs thus far... that's incredible! I'm pretty sure I've gained just about that much and I'm only 20 weeks!

    My best friend married a guy named Christopher Connors.... so clearly I LOVE your name choice, haha!!

    Hope those hips start feeling better soon :)

  2. Eek getting so close! You look great!!
