Tuesday, December 11, 2012

{Friday 12/7/12}

First of all, let's back up a few days....
At the beginning of last week I started hearing rumors that there was going to be a major round of lay offs in the corporate office of my company on Friday, 12/7.  You could feel and hear the tension all throughout the whole building...EVERYONE was nervous. 
A few co-workers that I am close to got word that they were on "the list" so as Friday got closer they started packing up their desks and the tears started coming.  I was 100% convinced that I was not on the list.  I have always thought that there is no way they would be able to let me go because I am the only person in my whole company who does what I do and it HAS to be done.  The things I do day to day at my company can not just go away...whether I am here or not...it HAS to be done.  So, I pretty much thought I was safe and thought my whole department was safe. 
Friday morning came around and I started my hour drive to work...excited that it was Friday but sad because I knew I would have to say bye to a lot of good friends and co-workers.  It NEVER once crossed my mind that I was on the list...seriously, not even once. 
Within the first 30 minutes of being in the office, everything changed.....
My boss works from home about 2 hours away from my office.  So, I always know way in advance if she is going to come in to see me.  I called her about 7:30 Friday morning and could immediately tell she was driving so in the back of my head I just had a feeling she was coming in to the office.  And sure enough, she was.  She told me she was coming in and she would talk to me about everything she had found out the night before, once she got in.  I could tell by the sound of her voice that something was very wrong and when she said she had not slept at all the night before, I just knew it.  I got off the phone with her and the tears came.  I knew that within 2 hours I was going to hear the words " You are being let go."
The time between when I got off the phone with her and when she showed up, I spent sick to my stomach and trying to force myself to start taking down pictures and personal items.  I was sick to my stomach and trying to hold back the flood gates.  It was pretty much one of the worst hours of my life. 
My boss got here around 9, came to my desk and told me to come see her in this empty office down the hall.  I asked if I should bring tissues and she just gave me a look.  I go in the office, shut the door, sit down and say "well I know you didn't just drive 2 hours to give me another promotion??"  ( I was trying to lighten the mood...it did not work).  I looked at her and she just started crying.  Which led me to start crying.  
She explained that our WHOLE department was being dissolved (aka- going away) and they were only keeping her and one other lady who works on the west coast.  Everyone else ( literally, EVERY ONE ELSE) was being let go.  She said she tried fighting for me and even tried to find me something else in another department that was safe, but nothing worked out.  She felt terrible because I am having a baby and it was right before the holidays.  So, we talked and talked and cried and cried.  
Turns out that over 30% of our corporate office (only 180 employees) were cut on Friday.  That is over 50 people in one day. 4 whole departments were completely dissolved. Our company has been struggling the past year or so and things have just gotten worse recently so in order for the company to survive they had to make some massive changes.   
So, on top of my shock and sadness of losing my job, I had to spend all day watching friends and people I have worked with for 4 1/2 years pack their desks.  Some were escorted out with boxes of their personal items in hand (seeing that was AWFUL) and some were allowed to stay for a few hours to say their good byes and tie up loose ends on projects.  It was one heck of an emotional draining day.   I kept thinking to myself, "this is so not how I imagined this day going."  And kept thinking about my drive in to the office that morning...I was so clueless about what was about to happen to my whole company. 
My boss managed to fight for me to stay a few extra days so that I could transition all of my duties to her and a couple other people.  Like I said...just because I am going to be gone, my job still has to be done.  So, either Wednesday or Thursday of this week will be my last day.  I am spending every second (except the time it is taking to type out this loooooong post) I can to tie up projects and get things ready to hand over to someone else. 
I know I am going to be ok... my husband and I are very fortunate so I know financially we will be fine.  Plus my company gave me a pretty awesome severance package so I will basically be getting paid to stay at home for the next few months.  Other people did not get so lucky... some that got let go are single and this was their only source of income.  Some are much older and single and worry that no where will hire them because of their age.  Others have been here for 20+ years and feel completely lost now and don't even know what to do next.  I am sad for myself in some ways, but more than anything, my heart hurts for my co-workers that are in these other positions...ESPECIALLY right before the holidays :( 
Now that I have had a few days to come to terms with this new situation I am in, I am still full of mixed emotions....one minute I am so excited because I will get to do what I have always wanted- be a stay at home wife (and eventually, mom) and the next minute I am sad to leave the corporate world.  I love the routine I have gotten into and love having something that is mine and that I have been successful at.  My heart beaks for the people who are sitting at home jobless now, and I am reminded how blessed I am and lucky to be in the situation I am in.  I will miss silly little things like the view of the skyline as I am getting close to downtown at 6:30 AM (we have a pretty awesome skyline in Houston), the convenience of working close to the Galleria and all the awesome restaurants, my routine of walking to Randall's every Monday morning to get my fruit and breakfast for the week, my weekly emails with co-workers who have turned into close friends and so many other little things.  I will not miss the hour drive into work every morning, waking up at 4:40, and conference calls ;) 
If you want to read someone else's take on this terrible day, head over to one of my favorite bloggers and co-workers blog and you can read all about it there too!
Remember to pray for those that are unemployeed and stuggling, especially during the holiday season!
And if you are still reading, thank you for sticking around for the longest rant ever.  :) 


  1. Oh Leslie. I'm so sorry. That sounds absolutely terrible. But I'm confident that you will make the best of this bump in the road. Everything happens for a reason.

    xo, Emily

    ps... is it too soon to hope that this means we'll see you on the blog more often? I need bump updates!

  2. Oh Leslie, this makes me so sad. I'm so sorry that you had to go through it. It seems like Houston was spared from the worst of the economic downturn, but I hear stories like this and know that it still hit us here at home. I know you're going to love staying at home, but our jobs can be such a large part of our identity and it can be a tough adjustment to make. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  3. Someone I am very close to went through the same exact thing yesterday. It breaks my heart for the both of you and everyone else who has to go through this. (Especially around Christmas) I keep telling myself that God has a bigger plan. Jeremiah 29:11 says so. I will keep you and other families in my prayers.

  4. Oh no! :( I'm so sorry friend! I'll be thinking about you!

  5. Sorry to hear this Leslie, but I trully believe that things happen for a reason... Doesn't make it easier but I will definitely keep you and the other families in my prayers!

  6. Oh my gosh how awful! Especially this time of the year.

    It's good to know that you'll be ok, but I feel for the others who aren't. :(

  7. Love you, sweet friend! I am right there with you on the mixed emotions. But, it will all be okay one day - sooner hopefully rather than later.

    <3 <3

  8. I am so sorry sweet girl. Everything does happen for a reason though... Embrace every moment and enjoy the holidays x

  9. Leslie-
    I am so sorry to hear this news but also excited for you as you open a new chapter of being a stay at home mom. It is great that the decision was made for you in a way. Congratualtions on your baby boy, I started reading just a few weeks ago when I saw your link on facebook. I have loved reading about your pregnancy journey and hope that these new changes in your life (staying home and having a baby) will be great ones!


  10. Oh my goodness, this is so sad. I am so very sorry. I will be thinking about you and your co-workers. Sending lots of thoughts and prayers to everyone who was let go. I'm glad that you will be okay and have some time for yourself to rest and get things ready for you growing family!

  11. i have been talking to myra about this and i just can't believe it! i truly hope this is a blessing in disguise for the both of you!

  12. Leslie, I'm so sorry that you and your coworkers are going through this. Love and hugs.

  13. oh, gosh I am so sorry :( I wish you and your sweet family the absolute best

  14. wow I am so sorry to hear that :( what bad timing!

  15. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that! What an awful experience. But, you never know what great things are in store for you!! There is a bigger and better plan for you!

  16. I am so sorry to read this...just remember that God has his timing...maybe this all happened for some reason...maybe you should stay at home...and start now :)

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  18. ahh leslie im sorry this happened to you, I am currently in the same boat, I wasn't let go but my Boss who is a Member of Congress retired so as of Jan 3, I am unemployed. and don't worry it wasn't a long rant at all, we want to know what is happening in your life :-) keep us posted and praying you will find a job soon! God will provide

  19. I like your attitude. You are so gonna be fine. You have a really good point about your co-workers without a safety net. Will keep them in my thoughts. Hope they find new jobs soon.


  20. I like your attitude. You are so gonna be fine. You have a really good point about your co-workers without a safety net. Will keep them in my thoughts. Hope they find new jobs soon.


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