Monday, October 1, 2012

Coming May 2013!!!!!!!

Hellooooo, long lost bloggy friends!! I am alive!
I am back with some BIG news to share with you......
My hubby and I are expecting our very first baby!!!  Coming May 2013 :) Whohoooooo!!
Say Hi to Baby C :)
(this was taken on 9/21/12 @ 6 weeks and 3 days)
We had planned on waiting until after our 10 week appt to make the official announcement but several things made us decide to tell sooner...
- We have both done a terrible job at keeping it a secret.  We told family and closest friends a couple weekends ago, but even since then we both have told quite a few more people than we ever planned. 
- I have been pretty sick most days and practically fall asleep at my desk sometimes, so it was getting harder and harder to hide it, especially at work.
-  We heard our baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks and 3 days and our doctor said that once you hear the heartbeat, the risk of miscarriage is less than 3%.
So, now here we are.  I will be 8 weeks tomorrow. 
And let me tell you, making the big announcement today has been the best decision.  I feel a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders and I have been filled with so much happiness :) 
Thank you to everyone for your sweet comments, emails, texts and phone calls!  What a great way to start October!!
Now, I will leave you with some of our favorite pictures from our announcement session with the amazing, Kaleigh Karin Photography!  
(If you live in the Houston area and need a photographer, you really should check her out...she is the best!!) 



  1. I think I am going to go ahead and say congratulations on EVERY social media site I can! :) I am so excited for you! You're gonna be such an awesome mommy :) EEEEK!

  2. Congrats!!!! I love fellow prego bloggers!!

  3. Congratulations!!! That picture with the baby Aggie shoes is adorable!

  4. YAYYYYYYY! You can Chris are seriously precious! I can't wait to meet baby C!

    (I thought I should congratulate you here since I've already covered Facebook, Instagram and Text Message) :)

  5. Congratulations!! I was just thinking about you the other day! How exciting!! These photos are so cute!!

  6. OMG LESLIE!!!!!

    I'm so excited for you!!! Congratulations a million times over! Can't wait to "meet" baby C on the bloggy soon!

  7. ahh exciting news!! congrats congrats!! yippee you will be a great mommy and your husband a great daddy

  8. ahh exciting news!! congrats congrats!! yippee you will be a great mommy and your husband a great daddy

  9. congratulations!!!! so exciting!!

  10. congratulations!!!! so exciting!!

  11. Ahh! Kaleigh is a sorority sister of mine. Small world. Congrats!

  12. so exciting! congratulations!!!

  13. COngratulations!!! Becoming a parent is one of the most REWARDING (albeit exhausting) things ever!!! Be prepared to love something more than you ever thought possible :)

  14. Congrats!!! I love the "bump ahead" pictures, that's so cute :)

  15. OH MY GOODNESS!! Congratulations!! How exciting!!!!!! And I seriously LOVE those photos!!!

  16. Congratulations!!! Gorgeous photos too :) So excited for you two!!

  17. Oh my goodness!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! So excited for you!!

  18. Congratulations! Best wishes for a healthy and happy nine months! You are going to be a wonderful mother!

  19. Congrats Leslie! That's so exciting for you guys!

  20. Congrats again!! I think I need to see your doctor. lol We heard the heartbeat at 12 weeks because she said it was too early at 6 weeks to hear anything but we did see the little flutters at 8 weeks on the screen. :)

  21. Glad I found your blog and CONGRATS on this awesome news - how exciting!! My little girl is 6 months old and it's the BEST thing ever x

  22. Oh my did I miss this?? So excited for you!!!
