Wednesday, July 18, 2012

[WILW & Kalon News]

I am linking up with Jaime for What I'm Loving Wednesday! Head on over to her cute blog and link up =)

- The Chick-Fil-A peach milkshake is back! I look forward to this all year long and when it finally comes around, I consume entirely too many milkshakes in the limited time that it is offered.  It is the best milkshake out there.  If you have not tried it, do yourself a favor and find a Chick-Fil-A today! 

- Yesterday my husband and I signed up for The Color Run that is finally coming to Houston in November!! I can not wait for this race.  It has been a long time since I ran a 5k and this one definitely looks like a lot of fun. Plus I am so excited to run it with so many other Houston bloggers! =)

-Instagram.  At first I was not a big fan but now I love it.  I may actually like it better than Facebook. 

- I am getting a fabulous new blog design thanks to fellow Houston blogger, Kristen!  We have been working together the past few days and I am so excited about what she is putting together.  If you are in need of a new blog design, you should definitely contact her.  Can't wait to reveal the new design soon!

- In less than 2 weeks I will be in Chicago for 7 days and I could not be more excited!  I will be there for 4 days for work then my husband is flying up to meet me and we will spend 3 fun days in the city celebrating my 30th birthday.  I managed to get a reservation at Bill & Guiliana Rancic's restaurant, RPM Italian and we plan on doing a lot of sight seeing and eating yummy food.  I have a couple friends from high school and college that live there so I will hopefully get to see then and I am even going to get to meet Kayln from one of my favorite blogs.  If any of you have restaurant, bar or sight seeing recommendations, please let me know! =)

On a random side note... let's talk about Kalon from The Bachelorette. 

 He is pretty awful on the show and I love how Emily put him in his place during the season and on Monday night.  Since he is from Houston (why do all the most annoying, unlikeable bachelors come from here?! The Weatherman, Helicopter boy...) he makes it on the news and in local magazines quite a bit.  Here are a few things you probably did not know about him....
- He is one of the biggest supporters for Citizens For Animal Protection (CAPS) in Houston.  He has been raising funds for this charity since he was 13. 
- His family started Texas State Optical and they do own a helicopter, although the one he made his entrance in on the show was rented from ABC apparently. 
- He is quite the Houston socialite...making appearances at fashion shows and other events around town. 
- He helped open a very exclusive members-only club in Houston called Dorsia.  Just to be a basic member of this club would cost you $2000 per year.  Needless to say, the club is closed now. 
- He has his own Team KJRM (Kalon Joseph Reid McMahon) website and they sell these shirts-

If you saw Monday's Men Tell All episode you will know what this is all about.  Kinda funny but still awful...

Just thought I would share with you a little about The Bachelorette's most hated villain (according to all the websites).  ;)



  1. I really want to do the color run! They sold out dc (2 dates) in like 4 hours, and i missed it. lameness. Can't wait to see your pictures :)

  2. I can't WAIT for the color run!! Can we also say jealous for the RPM!!!! :)

  3. That's so fun you are doing the color run; I keep hearing about it! I just went to Chicago for the first time in May and loved it! For pizza, Giordanos was our fav! Instead of paying the fee to go up the Sears Tower, we went up to The Signature Lounge at the 96th floor (in the John Hancock building) for free and spent our money on a drink! I'd highly recommend it! Have fun!!

  4. I'm jealous you're doing the color run - all of my friends in KC did it and loved it, but sadly I'll be out of town! Also jealous of RPM - I've heard it's so delicious! If you want a good cupcake, you should check out Molly's. It's my fave!

  5. I'm doing the color run here in Houston too!! So excited!!
    Loved your tidbit about Kalon, lol. Someone from Houston always has to show some drama....I would add Erica Rose to that list too!

  6. That sounds like an awesome trip! Have a good time!

    I would so love to go see Juliana and Bills' restaurant!

  7. say whaaat! Peach milkshake!! I must try that, so far the banana pudding one they have is my favorite will for sure be trying this peach one!! I signed up for the color run in houston also, I am doing it in New Orleans the next weekend too haha it looks like so so much fun!!!

  8. LOVE recommendations: The Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry are both really neat! Check out the baby exhibit! For food: Giordano's Pizza, Greek Islands Restaurant....also go shopping on Magnificent Mile and check out Navy Pier and the John Hancock Observatory.

  9. 1) Thanks for the shout out! Super sweet of you!
    2) I wanna do the color run!! I haven't done a 5k or ran at all for that matter in a few months!
    3) I know, all the horrible bachelors are from Houston! I hate that! Makes us look all like lame-os.

  10. Yay Color Run!! I'm doing the one in Indy next weekend!!

    Hahah I love all of that Kalon gossip...very interesting!

  11. haha i totally hate kalon, loved how emily told him off on the men tell all!!!

  12. 1. I am sooo jealous of your trip to Chicago... it sounds fabulous! I love G & B, so eating at their restaurant would be a must. You'll have to let us know how it was. :) and 2. Although his being a huge animal supporter does soften my heart a bit, I still can't get over when Kalon said his line about "let me talk" or whatever early on in the Bachelorette. So. Rude.

    So excited for the Sunday finale!

  13. I'm also doing the color run with my husband! It's going to be so fun!
