Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend + Bachelorette + WW Update

Our weekend was filled with a whole lot of nothing and it was perfect! I need more weekends like that. 
 I made a new yummy recipe, skinny chicken Parmesan and it was delish! It was only 6 pts although it certainly seemed like more.  
We watched American Reunion and went to sleep early. The American Pie movies came out back when I was in high school so it was funny to see it 10 years later when they are getting ready for their high school reunions, having babies, getting married and trying to find that work/life balance...exactly what me and so many people I know are going thru.  Definitely corny, inappropriate in some parts but hilarious!
We slept in until 8!! This is late for us, people!
I ran some errands, laid out in the pool and did a few things around the house. 
My husband and his brother golfed that afternoon so I made dinner for them when they got back.  My friend Sam posted this recipe on her blog last week and it looked awesome so I made it.  And it was soooo good!  I added scallops to mine because I was craving them.  YUM!

Church, lunch at Black Walnut Cafe, watched 21 Jump Street, did P90X, steaks for dinner and watched 3 whole hours of The Bachelorette!
By the way....21 Jump Street is a must see.  I already want to see it again.  Funniest movie since The Hangover and of course Channing Tatum is in it :)

So, today is my 4th day on WW.  I think I have finally found the "diet" for me! I do not even feel like I am dieting.  I had pasta this weekend, tons of fruit, bacon, seafood and more.  The reason why this plan works is mainly because it is all about portion control.  I bought a kitchen scale and I have started to weigh just about every thing I put in my mouth.  If I had not weighed my steak last night I would have eaten 9 whole oz.  After seeing that and seeing that would equal about 18 points, I was able to cut the steak in half, cut off all the fat and save myself those points.  I am much more aware of my portions now.  I do not feel hungry or deprived and already feel less tired and bloated.  I can eat pretty much whatever I want (within reason) but just much, much smaller portions of it all.  I get 29 points a day, 49 extra points a week to use however I want and when I exercise I get extra points to use.  For example...I did the Cardio X P90X dvd last night and just doing that gave me 15 extra points!  My goal is to not use the points unless I really need to during the week...I am going to try to save them for the weekends and even then, try not to use all of them.  I have our fridge stocked up with tons of lean meats, fish and organic produce.  Besides portion control, the key is to plan ahead.  I am definitely learning that today.  Around 11 AM I was stumped on what to do for lunch.  I am not a big salad eater unfortunately so I was looking up other options...a turkey and cheese sandwich was going to be 8 pts, a bowl of soup was going to be 9 pts.  Luckily I have a Randall's next door to my office so I walked over and got a few of the Smart Ones WW meals and had one of those.  But, I am not a big fan of those processed frozen meals.  So, I am going to try to only eat one of those a couple times a week.  I need to start making lunches at home and bringing them with me to work.  If you have done WW before, what did you eat for lunch?
I have my first week weigh in on Thursday night and I feel good about it so far! 
I found this picture over the weekend and am using this as my goal.  This was taken around 2004 I think and it is about 45 lbs less than where I am now.  Eeek.

Moving on to last night's Bachelorette finale.  I was on Team Arie throughout this whole season until the past couple of weeks.  and I love Jef & Emily together.  They are adorable and she seems so happy.  Her white bathing suit that she wore in the very beginning of the first hour was so cute...anyone know where that is from? 
Anyways, I sure hope they make it!  


  1. Hey! I did ww last July. I have some rcp that I made for supper if you would like them let me know and I will email them to ya!

  2. We are watching 21 Jump Street tonight and I am so excited, I have heard such good things about it! Plus no more Bachelorette so we have to fill our Monday's with something!

  3. I did WW after I had my 3rd baby, it totally works and so easy!!! I lost tons of weight. I ate Smart One meals for lunch because they were easy and pretty yummy.

  4. Absolutely love that pool & your backyard!! That parmesan looks so good. Hope your meeting for WW goes well!!

  5. I've made that parm chicken! It's so delicious! I started ww again just recently after having my baby and I've lost 12 pounds already!!

  6. I think it's so great to have a goal... and even better to have a picture as a goal. You look beautiful now, but I understand wanting to get back to "high school skinny" I do too... and I'm barely out of high school. I haven't tried WW yet. I've been using the body bugg for over a year & had great results the first 4 months, but got off track... Just now getting back on track & hoping to keep on track. It is all about portion control like you said though!!

    Thanks for some good movie recommendations- I still haven't seen 21 jump street! I'm thinking a trip to redbox is in order soon. LOL


  7. So I went on a quest to find new fabulous bloggers tonight - and low and behold I find your adorable self, and you're also in TX (granted, I'm Dallas) aaaaaaaaaaaand you're on WW, too! It's love at first.. read? ;)

  8. OMG 21 Jump Street was amazing. So so funny!

  9. You rock girl! Good luck on WW and post anymore skinny recipes you try. I would love to cook em up in my kitchen as well.

  10. YUMMMMM you just made me want that so bad! you are darling! p.s. love jef. so happy for them. and I wish I knew where the bathing suit was from! it was so dang cute. xo

  11. you need to remember that you have an athlete's heart. you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. (remember you ran a few half marathons???!!)
    don't be so hard on kind to yourself and your body.
    i'm always running around creekside. i'll let you know when i'm out again!

  12. Sounds like a fun weekend! And those recipes look delicious, I am trying to cook more, so I will have to try them!

    Also, I made the switch from Arie to Jef as well ~ They seem perfect together, I really hope they make it!
