Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Funnies & Fashions

Don't you just love all these funny e-cards floating around Pinterest?  They make my day, every day =)

Now...let's talk fashion.  Blake Lively has got it going on if you ask me.  Her career has really taken off the past couple of years, she is beautiful, she is dating Ryan Reynolds and she is a fashion icon.  I hear she does not even have a stylist...she chooses all her red carpet looks and event dresses all on her own.  Here are some of my favorite Blake looks from the past couple of years:

I love that she is not afraid to wear bright colors and if she is showing off her legs, she covers her top and vice versa.   Seriously, I want every one of these outfits....and her body, please :)

Happy Friday!!! xo


  1. i LOVE those ecards. they kill me. especially the first one. hahaha.

    could blake please stop being such a hog and share those amazingly long legs?! i could use a couple inches for my height.

    happy friday, lovely!

  2. I wish I was dating Ryan Reynolds, he's smoking hot!!!!!!!!! She's pretty hot herself.

  3. LOVE those ecards...i was laughing at all of them. hope you've had a great weekend :)

  4. I love Blake LIvely! She is so gorgeous!

  5. i completely agree - love blake's style! she always looks stunning!
