Monday, April 2, 2012

The past 2 weeks...

I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! So, here is a very random post with some updates!

- Hubby and I saw The Hunger Games on the opening night. We got there about an hour early and got in line. He was thrilled, let me tell you. Ha! We both loved the movie but I loved the book way more. There are just so many details they have to leave out in the movie. But, it was still very good and stayed very true to the book. My husband even liked it and he has never read the book. The only negative thing I have to say is... I had motion sickness thru almost the entire movie. We were in an IMAX and with the style of filming they used- I was SO nauseous! I had to close my eyes at least 20 times during the movie and convince myself several times not to throw up. I definitely want to see it again in a normal movie theater or just buy it when it comes out (duh) and watch it at home!

-Spring time in Texas is one of my favorite times of year! Everything is so green and all the wildflowers are blooming.

- Our pool is so close to being done! Next up they are pouring the concrete and stamping it then finishing the bottom of the pool and finally the fire pit. We hope it will be ready in the next 2 weeks!

- Just an FYI...gas is CRAAAZY expensive in California! It cost over $80 to fill up my little rental car, Impala!

- This Friday we are off to Augusta, Georgia to spend the weekend with my family and go to The Master's final round on Sunday!! WHOHOO!! My husband is a golfer and over the past few years I have started to love golf (not playing, but going to touraments) so this has become one of our favorite yearly traditions! This will be our 4th year going but our first time going on the final day. We are hoping Tiger is finally back to his old self (minus his terrible choices in her personal life) and can pull off a big win this weekend! How cool would it be to be sitting at the 18th hole of The Master's watching Tiger Woods win?!


Anonymous said...

that pool is going to be awesome!

natasha {schue love} said...

I totally agree that the movie was shakey...we noticed the same thing!