Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend Recap!

Having a 4 day weekend is always nice but the first day back to work is always pretty rough. That is my day today. I feel like I have been ran over by a train. What an awesome weekend we had though...so, it was worth it :)

Hubby and I had Friday off so we slept in, cooked breakfast and took a 4 mile hike thru the George Mitchell Preserve near our house. We had to be at the airport for our flight to Atlanta at 4 so we just hung around the house and packed until it was time to go. We flew into Atlanta that night and my Dad picked us up from the airport and we headed to his town, Lincolnton, which is about 2 hours away.

Saturday we just spent time with my family and ate a ton of good, Southern food :)

Sunday was the big day...the final round of The Masters, and we were there for every single second of it. IT.WAS.AMAZING. First we went to a sunrise service & breakfast at my Dad & Step-Mom's church then headed to Augusta National. This is our 4th year going, thanks to my cousin who has tickets, but this was our first year being there on Sunday for the final round. We got there as soon as the gates opened and stayed thru the end of the green jacket ceremony. By the end of the day our legs and feet were killing us and we were exhausted but we had SO much fun! The rules at Augusta National are crazy strict so you can not bring phones or camera's into the course (you have to walk thru metal detectors at the entrance and they THOUROUGHLY check your bags) so I did not get to take any pictures INSIDE the tournament but I took a bunch over the weekend and am going to "borrow" some from the tournament from a photographer that was there. So, I am going to do a full Masters post tomorrow! :) ( We even made it on TV 3 times! Whohoo! )

Monday morning we woke up, packed our suitcases again and headed back to Atlanta to fly home. But, we stopped at the best place on the way... Blue Willow Inn in Social Circle, GA. It is an old Antebellum mansion in a tiny little town with the BEST southern cooking buffet you can imagine. We had fried chicken, fried green tomatoes, collard greens, mac & cheese, cornbread, pecan pie, peach cobbler and more! I swear we gained 10 lbs each during that meal.

We had such a fun, short weekend with family and seeing Bubba Watson win The Master's...now it is back to work and life! As of now I do not have to be in an airplane again until the end of May when we go to Mexico for our anniversary. Praise the Lord!! I feel like I live in airports these days. Hope you all had a great weekend and Happy Easter!


  1. I can not wait for your Masters post. Going is at the very tip top of my bucket list! So jeal you have gotten to go so many times!!

    Spending Easter on a quiet golf course is about the best way I can imagine spending the day!!

  2. And oh my gosh...did you not cry your eyes out when Bubba won???! Well deserved! (even though I hjave a mojor major crush on Phil!)

  3. i know what you mean having 4 days off and then the first day back at work is so rough. ugh! but it sounds like you had a fabulous mini vacation. that food sounds amazing

  4. Such a great post! You've got a great blog.


  5. I was SO pumped for Bubba to win! When he started crying at the end it absolutely melted my heart!

  6. sounds like a blast!

  7. Dinner looks AMAZING!! Loving your blog. Newest follower!

  8. Looks like a wonderful weekend. That food looks amazing!!

  9. Looks like a wonderful weekend. That food looks amazing!!

  10. New follower! I was so happy to watch Bubba win! He deserved it! Cute blog! Look forward to reading it often!
