Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Hunger Games!!!

It is FINALLY here!! Opening day of The Hunger Games! I have waited for this day since I saw the very first preview for the movie while sitting in my hotel room in Park City, Utah :) If you haven't read the books you probably think all the hype over this is pretty crazy...but if you read them or see the movie, you will be hooked like the rest of us :) Hubby and I have tickets for the movie tonight...CAN.NOT.WAIT!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm so excited!! On my way to see it right now. My husband and i are driving 2 hours to see it with his family! Oh the things you do for The Hunger Games.
    I love your pictures you found too. They're great. Definitely made me smile!

  2. Extremely excited! I'll be watching it in 2.5 hours!

  3. My husband and I are seeing it tonight too! Love all your Hunger game pins! :)

  4. I love all of these. The movie was so much better than I anticipated. Hope you loved it too!

  5. Agh, I NEED those bracelets!! :)
