Friday, January 20, 2012

Hellooooo, Friday!

We made it to Friday!! Hallelujiah! Now for some randomness & updates! :)

-Our house is hopefully going to be ready next Tuesday!! YIPPY! BUT...we still have to go thru walk thru's and inspections before we can close. So, we are hoping to move in the weekend of February 4th and 5th but it could be a few days later. Not a very good picture, but this was on Wednesday when they were working on the landscaping:

-Today is my last day in the office for 2 weeks. Monday I head to Baton Rouge for 5 days then will be home next weekend. Then, Monday the 30th I head to California for 5 days. This is the first time I have had to travel for work 2 weeks in a row and thankfully it will probably never happen again. But, I am going to try to squeeze in a little fun while I am brother in law goes to LSU so I will see him a couple nights and hopefully eat some yummy cajun food and in California I will be with several other people and we will be right in the middle of the wine country so we are going to try to go to a couple wineries (even though I can't have alcohol for 25 more days...eeek!).

- Today is day 5 of the 30 day yeast free challenge and my first weigh in for the weight loss competition at work! I am very happy to say that I have stuck with the yeast free diet 100% this week. But, it has not been easy. Wednesday afternoon was ROUGH to say the least. I hit a big wall...I could barely keep my eyes open and every thing was irritating me. I was about ready to give up and just eat a big plate of carbs but I didn't. I was super grumpy and took it out on my hubby on our hour commute home. He was thrilled to be carpooling with me that day I am sure! Now, I have gotten over that hump and feel much, much better. My clothes are fitting a little loser and I just FEEL so much better. Less bloated and full and I have more energy! I don't even crave sweets and breads anymore...but I am having serious cravings for fruit and sushi. I mean SERIOUS cravings for these 2. I have worked out every day this week except for Wednesday too so I am hoping all this hard work is paying off! I have Kim Kardashian body envy so this is what I am aiming for (minus her boobs):

- Hubby and I booked our 1 year anniversary trip this week!! I will reveal the location and all the details later but I am SO SO SO excited! We had planned on going to Greece & Italy and doing a Mediterranean cruise but we decided that was way too expensive to do right after buying a new house so we opted for one of our favorite vacation spots and saved a ton of money. In 4 months this is where we will be:
One of the many pools & swim up bar's at our resort :) Can.not.wait.

Beeeeautiful beach! It looks exactly like this too!

- We found out last night we got tickets to the final round of The Masters this year!! This will be our 4th year going but we usually go on Friday or Saturday. My Dad asked my cousin who has lifetime tickets if he minded if we went on the final day instead and he said yes! I used to not be a golf fan but going to The Masters these past few years has changed that.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!


  1. Oh my...that resort looks amazing!! My hubby and I went to mexico last year for our 5th anniversary and it was so wonderful!! I can't wait to see pictures of your new house.

  2. YAY for the house being almost done! It looks great! Can't wait to come see it :) And double YAY for completing almost 1 full week of YF! Phew! This week has not been easy, but I stuck to my diet too. But sadly, I'm still craving sweets. :(

  3. wow greece and italy for your one year that will be a reat trip for sure!! have fun traveling about to CA and bummer no alcohol for 25 more das, guess that takes wine tasting out of the picture of things to do in CA

  4. Leslie, So happy for you both, you've been blessed in so many ways. Your house is gorgeous and I bet you are excited to move into it. I'm also excited on your weight program and that's super exciting. Aah, not sure I could do a yeast program but I could stand to lose 10 pounds myself. Greece and Italy are my dream places and if you go before me you'll have to tell me which spots are the best. So happy for you!!! :)
