Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hi Friends! Happy November!! :) Welcome to the busiest month EVER. I apologize now for my lack of blogging for this entire month. Here is a quick breakdown of our schedule for the next 30 days...

Tuesday November 1 (TODAY!)- OUR HOUSE GOES UP FOR SALE!! This will mean keeping our house spotless for all the showings and being ready to leave the house in a hurry if we have someone who wants to see our house.

Friday November 4-Sunday November 6- Spend the weekend in The Woodlands. Dog watching, new house stuff and the JL Holiday Market!

Monday November 7-Sunday November 13- Work 5 days in Los Angeles and play 3 days in Los Angeles :)

Friday November 18-Sunday November 20- North Carolina for my nephew's 1st birthday! Can't wait to spend time with family and see my sweet nephew, Tanner!

Wednesday November 23-Friday November 25- Oklahoma for Thanksgiving with Chris's family then back to Texas for Thanksgiving with my family.

Friday November 25- Hubby's 30th birthday!!

Saturday November 26- Hubby's 30th birthday party!

In between all this I will be planning Chris's birthday party and helping plan a baby shower and possibly moving (if our house sells fast!)

Holy Cow. Seeing it all typed out makes me a tid bit stressed. But, I am really excited for how much fun this time of the year is!

Thank you Lord for Red Bull for the days and Tylenol PM for the nights! ;)


  1. I can't believe it is November! You have an exciting month coming up. Good luck on selling your house!

  2. Boooo, Now Im never gonna see you! CONGRATS on the house...very exciting!

  3. jeeez you are busy!! i hope your house sells quickly and easily!!
