Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekend Recap & Some Random Updates

This weekend was filled with a lot of relaxing, a little shopping and a fun wedding.
The weather in Houston was pretty yucky but very much needed. It literally rained ALL day yesterday. I do not think it ever stopped until after we went to sleep.

Saturday I went to the Galleria and Pottery Barn for a little shopping and Chris watched the Texas/OU game at Pub Fiction with some friends. That night we had been invited to go on a Sunset Cruise out of South Shore Harbor in League City for a pre-wedding party for our friends Adam & Christa who were getting married on Sunday. The cruise was from 6:30-9:30 and was a great idea for the bride & groom's family and friends to relax and spend time together before the big day!

Sunday we had intentions of getting up and going to church then to a Pumpkin Patch before heading to the wedding but it was a MONSOON outside! We just decided to stay home and rest before heading back down to League City for the wedding.

Adam & Christa's wedding was supposed to be outside but because of the rain it had to be moved inside. I know she was stressed and upset but it ended up being perfect and it was SO beautiful inside!! I am going to post pictures from their big day tomorrow but I just have to leave a few pictures and comments about their wedding venue. OH MY GOSH...I am in LOVE with this place!! It is called Butler's Courtyard and it is in League City, Texas. It is a really, really old bank building from the 1800's....the inside walls are brick and their are chandelier's hanging everywhere. I can't even explain what a cool venue this was for a wedding. Here are a couple pictures of the venue & I borrowed a couple of Adam & Christa from her Facebook page...

If you are a bride looking to get married in the Houston area you should definitely check this place out! Wedding pictures coming tomorrow :)

Now for a few random updates:
-Hubby and I have started looking at plane tickets for our 1 year anniversary trip next May (yes I know it is SUPER early but we are trying to get the dates booked and plane tickets bought early). We are planning on going to Greece and doing a Mediterranean Cruise thru the Greek Islands and Turkey. Well...plane tickets are OUTRAGEOUS!!!! Last week when I looked, they were about $1600 per person. This morning they were $4400 per person!! AHH!! This is only on Continental because that is pretty much all we fly. So, I started looking at other airlines and found some that are cheaper but they have 2 or 3 stops and you travel for practically 2 days. So, now I don't know what we are going to do. We are going to keep checking every day for the next several weeks and hopefully get lucky and find a good deal one day! Fingers crossed!! We have been talking about taking a trip like this for 4 years so this HAS to happen!!

-It's not too early to start Christmas shopping is it? Good, because I have officially started! :) I bought my first few gifts today and am feeling very good about possibly being completely done before December even gets here. I also have started looking at Christmas cards. This is our first year to send them out and I have found some really cute ones so I am really excited about this!

-I am leaving for Denver 1 week from today! I will be there for a week for work but I have a few friends who live there that hopefully I will get to see and can't wait to be in some cooler weather!

Happy Monday! Hope yall had a great weekend!


  1. Glad all was ok! worried about you on friday! Hopefully soon we can get together. I completely understand how hectic things get :)

    I wish we would have skipped church! I was a hot mess after getting soaked walking to the much for after church lunch!

  2. I'm jealous of your trip! I hope you guys are able to find tickets at a good price. The husband and I aleady talk about our 1 year anniversary trip even though we just got married in June. It's so exciting to talk about!

  3. my cousin had her wedding at butler's courtyard! it is VERY beautiful.
    did you get a chance to see the houses where the bride/groom get ready in? i thought those were super fun!

    hope your anniversary trip works out!

  4. I am a new follower also from Houston. That wedding venue looks amazing! I am super jealous of your upcoming trip! Have a great week!
