Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pinterest Wednesday- Future Home Inspriations

Can't believe it is already Wednesday...this week is flying by! First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to Michelle @ The Vintage Apple. She is the host of this weekly link party and she got married this past weekend! :)
This week I am loving all things involving houses and decorating. My husband and I are probably putting our house up for sale soon and moving to a new home in the suburbs and I am finding all kinds of decorating ideas and inspirations for our future home! Happy Pinning!


  1. I'd pretty much move in to any one of those rooms!

  2. Love all of those pins!! We are hopefully buying a house next summer so I am constantly looking for ideas too! (And we haven't even started looking at homes!) :)

  3. Love! I moved in to my husband's "bachelor pad" when we got married, so I am constantly looking for cute decorating ideas. It needs a girl's touch BAD.

  4. awesome pins! i love the Bedroom with the two chairs at the foot of the bed. lovely!
    Trish @ Tales from ...

  5. I love all of those rooms, especially that wooden kitchen!

    I just found your blog today and I would love for you to check out mine and follow back! :)
