Friday, September 2, 2011

HaPpY SePtEmBeR!

I don't know about you but I am SO happy to see August go bye-bye! I am ready for the Fall and September is one step closer.

I am excited that September starts off with a 3 day weekend. Hubby will head to College Station tomorrow for the first A&M home game of the season so I will have most of the weekend to myself. I am spending the day in The Woodlands tomorrow, spa day at the Houstonian on Sunday(thanks to my father-in-law & brother-in-law), dinner and a movie with my friend, Sandee, Sunday night and Monday will be filled with some house projects I have been putting off for weeks. And I plan on spending every free second I have finishing "Catching Fire" and starting "Mockingjay." These are the 2nd & 3rd books in the Hunger Games trilogy. I am obsessed with these books...I can hardly put the books down because they are so good but at the same time I don't want them to end.

September is going to be a fun, busy month. The weekend of the 17th & 18th we will be in College Station for hubby's fraternity's Alumni weekend. Several of our best friends are going to be there too so that will be a lot of fun. I head to Los Angeles on Monday the 19th and I am so excited. I have never been to LA before! I am going for work but I plan on spending every night seeing everything I possibly can. I want to see it all...Rodeo Dr., Hollywood, all the celeb spots, the beach, etc. If you have any tips or suggestions, please leave a comment or email me! And finally, the weekend of the 24th & 25th will be spend in Dallas with 2 of my favorite girlfriends celebrating their birthdays!

Hope yall have a fun & safe holiday weekend!! xo

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