Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weekend Recap- Best Friends, A Baby Shower and a Texans Win!

Hello from Salt Lake City, everyone! I know I am a little late but here is a recap of this past weekend...

Saturday was one of my best friend's baby shower so Friday night I got to spend time with 2 of my best friends and the sister in law of the mommy to be (we were hosting the shower). We went to dinner at BRC in Houston then the 4 of us spent hours decorating my house for the baby shower. A little history- There are 4 of us and we have been best friends since we were in 5th grade or so. Holly, Jennifer, Sarah and me! Here is a picture of us at our senior prom 10 years ago-

After high school we all went our separate ways...I moved to West Palm Beach, FL for college, Holly went to Baylor, Sarah went to Oklahoma State and Jenn went to Hardin Simmons then Texas Tech. 10 years has past and we are still best friends. 3 of us are back in the Houston area so we get to see each other pretty regularly and one is still in OK but we are constantly working on getting her and her little family to move back to Houston :) So, now, Jenn is pregnant with her first baby...Miss Ella Victoria will be here sometime in the next month we are hoping!
The shower on Saturday turned out to be so much fun...Jenn got a lot of great gifts and we had a great turn out. Here are just a few of the pictures from the shower-

Saturday night was the Texans 2nd pre-season game against the Saints! Hubby and I went with our friends Kim & Chris and had a great time. The Texans won!! Whohoo! It is looking like it is going to be a great season :)

I flew to Salt Lake City yesterday and will be here until Friday. This is a beautiful city. Now I can't wait for my hubby to get here Thursday night so we can spend the weekend in Park City!

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