Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pinterest Wednesday- DIY projects

Happy Wednesday and happy last day of August! I am linking up with Michelle @ The Vintage Apple ( again for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday!
These are some of my favorite DIY finds the past couple of weeks.


A map of where we met, married and live! I plan on making this over the weekend :)

DIY all of these!

Cut up your wedding invitation into strips and place in glass ball ornament. This would be a great gift for newlyweds!

Perfect for all my earrings & necklaces!

Monogrammed Pumpkin for Fall decoration. I WILL be making this.

We used this song in our slide show at our Rehearsal Dinner! It would be cute on a big wall surrounded by wedding pictures...Hmm, maybe in our next house!

That's it for now! Sorry for not providing links to each computer won't let me do that. But find me on Pinterest here and you will see all these on my DIY board...


  1. So cute! I really love the heart maps. We are incorporating them into our wedding next year. Love your blog. Just found you through the link up! Adorable

  2. i have all these pinned too! i love the invitation ornament, i plan on doing it for all my friends :D

  3. I've always loved the map thing. One day when we have an office, I definitely want to make it. Such a cute idea.
