Monday, August 1, 2011

Birthday Weekend Recap!

Happy Monday & August 1st! Wow...where has this year gone?! I can not believe football season is here, the holidays are just around the corner, one of my best friends is very close to having her first baby, school starts and hopefully some cooler weather in the next couple of months (I live in Houston..wishful thinking)! This year has flown by.

Well, this weekend I turned 29. Whohoo! It was such a fun weekend! Friday night hubby and I went with his brother, Andrew and his GF, Hannah and my old roomies Hayden & Brendan to see Katy Perry in concert. SHE WAS AAAAAWESOME!!!!!! She changed costumes at least 10 times, has tons of dancers and acrobats and did some really cool "extras". Here are a few pictures. ( They are kinda grainy...something was up with my little point & shoot that night )

Saturday morning I skipped my run with my group (bad Leslie...I made it up on Sunday though! ) and Chris took me to my favorite brunch place in Houston- Backstreet Cafe. And he gave me my gift!! Ta-da....

It is a Nikkor 55-300 lens and I am OBSESSED with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It goes to my Nikon D60 I have. I have desperately wanted a new lens for awhile now so I am really excited about this! He definitely won "Husband of the Year" award for this one :)
Saturday night my parents came to our house and we went to dinner at Brenner's on the Bayou. Love this restaurant! It is right on the Bayou and so beautiful. You do not even feel like you are in Houston when you are here. It was such a fun day :)

Yesterday we went up to Lake Conroe and took the boat out for a few hours, just the 2of us, but it was SO hot we just could not stay out there very long. I got a really bad headache from the was miserable. And last night I ran 3 miserable miles and grilled shrimp for dinner.

It was a fun and relaxing weekend that went way too fast...
Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. I love Backstreet Cafe!!! Nice lens! I need some serious practice using my Nikon!

  2. What a darling blog -- Looking forward to reading more and glad you found me!

  3. Happy late birthday!! I'm so jealous you got to see Katy Perry in concert, I heard it was amazing! You're blog is so cute- I look forward to reading more!

  4. Happy belated Birthday! This concert looks awesome!
