Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What I am loving today...

It's that day of the week again...

I am loving that we get to spend the 4th of July weekend on the lake! The lake is one of our favorite places to be, but since the Spring/Summer has been so busy this year we have not gotten to spend any time there. We have this lake house rented for the weekend with 2 other couples...that means- lots of grilling and eating outside, being on the boat all day, laying out, fire pits, fun summer dinks ( vodka injected capri-suns...yep, you read that right and they are amazing ), and fun times with friends. 2 PM on Friday can not get here fast enough!

I am loving the exciting news I got at work today!! I got a RAISE!! Praise the Lord! I love my job :)

I am loving that in 8 days we will be on the beaches of North Carolina staying at this amazing house with family! We only get to go for a few days because I am out of vacation days for the year but I can't wait to be on the beach, see my brother, sis-n-law and sweet little nephew and spend time with family!

I am loving this season's "So You Think You Can Dance" I am rooting for Caitlynn Lawson...I LOVE LOVE LOVE her and hope she wins! The duet she did with Mitchell last week to Adele's "Turning Tables" was one of the most amazing performances I have ever seen. I love that it is on Wednesday AND Thursday nights. WHOHOO!

That is all for today! Hope yall are having a great week!

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