Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bump Update- 13 Weeks!

( no bump picture last week or this week! I have been too lazy to update my chalk board and I keep forgetting to have hubby take a picture.)

How far along? 13 weeks and 1 day

Total weight gain/loss:  I have not really been weighing myself at home.  But, I will find out at my doctor appt next Friday.
Maternity clothes? Some of both, but definitely beinning to need more maternity.

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Still sleeping a lot at night, but never feel rested.  The past few nights I woke up 5 TIMES (yikes) to use the bathroom.

Best moment this week: Finding out we are having a BOY, and telling our family and friends!  AND making it to the 2nd trimester!

Miss Anything? Energy!

Movement: Not yet

Food cravings: Nothing new...still fruits and pasta.  I pretty much want Spaghetti for every meal these days.  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Red meat (mainly steak).  It grossed me out sometimes before I was pregnant so now it is so much worse.  I honestly don't know that I will ever want to eat a steak again.  

Have you started to show yet: YES!  In Target over the weekend, this sweet, elderly lady stopped me in the frames aisle and asked when I was due.  It made my day!  Then she wanted to know where my maternity top was from that I was wearing. haha 

Gender: BOY!!

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, thankful and sleepy :)

Symptoms:  Holy heartburn!  That really is my only negative symptom right now.  But, the medicine my doctor prescribed helps alot as long as I take it every day and never miss a day.  I made the mistake of skipping it on Sunday.  BIG mistake. I paid for it for 2 days.   

Looking forward to:  Staring to shop for Baby and plan his nursery and booking our baby moon this week!  


Anonymous said...

2nd trimester! YAYYY!

Anonymous said...

So exciting!!

Mike and Sam Jasch said...

I'm sad there is no picture but yay for baby BOY Coxon! Christopher must be ecstatic/relieved! I can see him in an A&M outfit already! And YAY for the babymoon. I can't wait to see where you guys choose! Love you xoxo