Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WILW & Pinterest Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday and yay for a short work week!
First of all, thank you all for your sweet comments about our Cancun fiasco yesterday!  Reading them all made the whole situation a lot easier to deal with. 

I am linking up with Michelle and Jamie for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday and What I'm Loving Wednesday! Head over to their blogs and link up!

I am new monogramed koozie from this etsy shop!  It fits perfect around my water bottle or a can drink!

I am loving this new wine that Jen got me hooked on!  It is so light and refreshing and you even drink it over ice.  I found it at World Market over the weekend for $6 a bottle if you are a member there.  So, of course I stocked up!  Thank you for introducing this to me, Jen!! :)

I am loving the new Victoria Secret Pink Beach Sun Kissed lotion and spray. I got it a few weeks ago and I am obsessed with it. It smells SO good and lasts all day!  They have several other scents in their beach line but this one is the best in my opinion.

And finally, I am loving these pins this week!


Nikki said...

the pin of the chairs by the rocks and water looks so relaxing! I wish I was somewhere like that right now!

Danielle said...

That monogrammed koozie is too cute! I love it.

Jenn @ Party of One said...

Love, love, love the monogrammed koozie!

All the pins are great too! I'd love to have that living room....or be in that pool!

Kristen said...

I haven't tried or gotten a VS scent in forever, I'll have to remember that one when I go in for their semi annual! :)

Kristina said...

50 Shades is a must!!! Cant wait to start 3!

Anonymous said...

great pins!

Makin Memories Of Us said...

new follower from the pinterest link up! Love the wine pairing chalkboard pin :) Have you read 50 Shades of Grey? I keep hearing about it and want to read it!

agalandherdog said...

That koozie is too cute!

henning love said...

i love that huge hat! and that cartoon about excited routine and overwhelmed, yup that is me

Kayln said...

Love that monogrammed koozie and LOVE "Keep Calm and Read 50 Shades of Grey"!!! :)

Unknown said...

Love that Koozie! You have a cute blog. Just stopping by from WILW. Have a great weekend!

Julie said...

Did you like "50 Shades of Grey?"