Friday, February 10, 2012

[2 weeks in pictures]

While I was in California last week I was in the Garlic Capitol of the world, Gilroy. :)

The best wine I have ever was a white wine, rose wine & champagne mixed together. It's name- The Baby Maker! HA!

Rapazzini Winery in Gilroy, CA

Yummy garlic wine!

View from my window seat on the way back to Houston from California, somewhere over Arizona. That other plane does not look that close, but it was! I kept watching it, thinking that it looked like it was moving closer and closer...

Super Bowl cookies from Frost Bakery in The Woodlands. Best.sugar.cookies.ever.

The sqaures board my hubby made at work for a Super Bowl party we went to!

My entire cubicle is packed up in these boxes. The floor I am on in my office building is moving to another floor on Monday. New cubicle for me! Whohoo!

Yummmm!! I ordered these cookies 2 days before I decided to do the 30-day yeast free diet. I gave it and had one shortbread yesterday but now they are all packed away in those orange crates so I can not get to them until next week.


Anonymous said...

What cute football cookies!

Allison said...

I was hoping for house updates!! I love sugar cookies!