Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pinterest Wednesday- Green Love


Green is my favorite color. I even have a whole board dedicated to all things green. So, here are some of my favorite green finds this week!

Go link up with Michelle @ The Vintage Apple to share your pins!


Sarah said...

Ohhh...I LOVE green too!!

Lia Joy said...

for some reason green has never been one of my favorites... but it's really growing on me and I'm starting to love wearing green! :) great pins!

Kathryn said...

Loving your green!

Anonymous said...

I love green too :) love this post!

Leah said...

Cute pins. I like the name of your blog too!


Selina. said...

OMFG I LOOOOVE those tea cups!!!

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

Yay for GREEN!! So pretty! I am loving all of your pins this week!


Marija said...

Loving the first green dress. So Pretty!!

Allison said...

Love all that green. Green is definitely one of my favorite colors! Hope the house is coming along smoothly!!

Life With Lauren said...

Great pins! Love the Green and white top!

Unknown said...

All that green is so pretty! Especailly love the green bedding! Adorable blog :) New follower !

The Magnolia Pair


Unknown said...

I love all the green! The bedding and the striped pillow are definitely my favorites!

Ashley said...

OBSESSED with the pillow!!

Francis said...

I love green. ;)